Chapter 191
"This..." Chen Zhifu was at a loss for words for a moment, and his face suddenly became ugly.

The common people outside the courtroom started discussing one after another, glaring at Prefect Chen.

"These scars only appeared after Gu Changfeng painted them." Prefect Chen said with little confidence.

Yi Shuihan said: "Master Chen, do you mean that as long as the prisoner is drawn, the prisoner can be tortured? I didn't know there was such a clause in the Beiming Law?"

Chen Zhifu's face darkened: "In any case, Gu Changfeng committed the crime of murder, and he is already a death row prisoner."

Yi Shuihan said: "Master Chen, you said that Gu Changfeng killed someone, what evidence do you have?"

Chen Zhifu said: "The servants of the Lin family saw with their own eyes that Gu Changfeng pushed Lin Ganghai down, causing Lin Ganghai to die."

Yi Shuihan said: "Master Chen, the servants of the Lin family belong to the Lin family, and they probably sided with Lin Ganghai and slandered Gu Changfeng."

"Then what evidence do you have to prove that Gu Changfeng is innocent?" Prefect Chen trembled with fat on his face, it could be seen that he was very angry.

Yi Shuihan waved his hand, "Master of ceremonies, bring the evidence."

The master of ceremonies unfolded a fully-opened drawing for everyone to see, which was the scene of Lin Ganghai's death.

"Everyone, please see clearly, Lin Ganghai and his servants came here that day." Yi Shuihan pointed to the location on the blueprint.

"When Lin Ganghai saw Gu Changfeng's younger sister, Gu Xiangrong, he went over to tease him, and even ordered his servants to snatch Gu Xiangrong back. Gu Changfeng naturally stopped him, but Gu Changfeng was a frail scholar, and he was powerless. , where is the opponent of a strong domestic servant?"

"But Lin Ganghai was only watching Gu Changfeng being beaten, clapping his hands and applauding. Unexpectedly, Lin Ganghai got carried away, stepped on a stone by accident, fell straight backwards, and the back of his head happened to hit this square stone pillar, and he died. .”

"So, the stone that Lin Ganghai stepped on and this stone pillar are the physical evidence and the murderer." Yi Shuihan presented the stone

When everyone heard this, they also felt that it was reasonable. The common people nodded and said yes. They had long disliked Lin Ganghai and Chen Zhifu. Today, someone came forward to testify against Lin Ganghai and uphold justice without fear of power. Of course, they were happy in their hearts.

"This, these are just your one-sided words." Chen Zhifu's face was extremely ugly, and his words rushed.

"Master Chen, the witness is Gu Changfeng's younger sister, Gu Xiangrong, please bring Gu Xiangrong to the court to testify."

When Chen Zhifu was hesitant, the people became agitated again, calling for witnesses loudly.

"Witnesses! Witnesses! Witnesses..."

Chen Zhifu shouted loudly: "Silence! The witness, Gu Xiangrong."

As soon as Gu Xiangrong entered the court and saw her brother was covered in blood and his face was pale, she almost cried and bit her lip to hold back.

"Minister Gu Xiangrong kowtowed to the magistrate."

"Excuse me, tell me everything you know." Prefect Chen gritted his teeth and almost roared out.

"My lord, what Mr. Yi said and what Minnv saw is true. At that time, Minnv was caught by the servants of the Lin family, and she could only watch her brother being beaten. At that time, Lin Ganghai was so excited that he slipped backwards. He fell down, and the back of his brain was bleeding profusely, the servants of the Lin family went over to check Lin Ganghai's breath, and immediately paled in shock, fearing that Lin Shangshu would not let them go, so he blamed his elder brother."

"Master Chen, now that there are all the witnesses and material evidence, Lin Ganghai's death was really an accident, please finalize the case, Your Excellency." Yi Shuihan said immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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