Chapter 192
"This is just Gu Xiangrong's one-sided words. She is Gu Changfeng's younger sister, so naturally she clears the suspicion for my brother." Chen Zhifu secretly cursed Lin Shangshu in his heart, and he was about to be overwhelmed.

"Lord Chen, Gu Xiangrong and Gu Changfeng were born in a scholarly family. Several generations of people have been upright. Although the Gu family's family fortune has fallen, their virtues are still there. Everyone in the Gu family's neighbors praises the two brothers and sisters of the Gu family. Brother and sister's evaluation, please read it."

Yi Shuihan put a stack of pleading papers on the desk, and asked the master of ceremonies to read the deeds of the brothers and sisters of the Gu family to everyone.

When everyone heard it, although it was a small thing in daily life, it was all moving.

"Master Chen, I still have a copy of Lin Ganghai's deeds, please read it."

"Lin Ganghai is lustful by nature, prostitutes and prostitutes, and commits all kinds of crimes. Three years ago, Lin Ganghai robbed the daughter of the Liang family. The daughter of the Liang family refused to obey and committed suicide by jumping into the lake. Since the daughter of the Liang family committed suicide, the Liang family appealed many times. In the same year, Lin Ganghai's concubine couldn't bear Lin Ganghai's abuse, so she fled back to her mother's house. Lin Ganghai was furious when she learned about it. The concubine also died in that fire; the next year, Lin Ganghai lost a bet and brutally killed his bettor..."

The people were filled with anger and righteous indignation when they heard this, and they reprimanded Lin Ganghai one after another. They usually only saw Lin Ganghai bullying men and women, prostitution and prostitution, but they didn't expect that there were so many cruel inside stories in the dark.

The fat on Chen Zhifu's face has become stiff, sometimes white and sometimes dark, Lin Shangshu's official rank is much higher than him, and he also took Lin Shangshu's money, even if he returns the money now, Lin Shangshu will not let it go He, but now that the fifth prince and the ninth prince are here, he dare not make a mistake.

"Master Chen, please finalize the case." Yi Shuihan said sternly.

"There are so many doubts in this case that it cannot be finalized. The trial will be held tomorrow." Prefect Chen picked up the gavel and patted it vigorously, with an angry expression on his face, his teeth chattered with anger, and the fat on his face trembled.

"Master Chen, may I ask if there are any doubts?" Yi Shuihan said aggressively, making it impossible to refute.

"..." Prefect Chen was momentarily at a loss for words, he opened his mouth and was speechless.

The people shouted one after another: "The case is finalized! The case is finalized! The case is finalized..."

At this time, Ling Xiaoran spoke: "Prefect Chen, I would like to ask if there are any doubts in this case?"

These words were not angry, but made Chen Zhifu's face pale. He almost forgot that there were these two giant Buddhas. If Gu Changfeng was let go, Lin Shangshu would definitely not let him go. It wouldn't make him feel better, the fifth prince wanted his life as easy as killing an ant, and on balance, of course it was in line with the prince's wishes.

"Go back to the lord, I just made a slip of the tongue, please forgive me." Chen Zhifu said in horror.

"This king is just here to listen. What is the crime of the prefect Chen? Let the prefect continue." Ling Xiaoran said calmly, with a calm expression.

"Yes, my lord." Prefect Chen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Yi Shuihan glanced at Ling Xiaoran, what role was Ling Xiaoran playing at this moment?
Chen Zhifu picked up the gavel and patted it again, saying: "There are all witnesses in this case. Lin Ganghai's death was really an accident and had nothing to do with others. Gu Changfeng was released in court and retired."

(End of this chapter)

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