Chapter 195
The master of ceremonies was very happy that Qianxue didn't like Rong Yun, so he became more friendly towards Rong Yun. Although Rong Yun still looked indifferent, the master of ceremonies still felt that Rong Yun was very pleasing to the eye.

Qianxue glanced at Rong Yun, in fact, Rong Yun was impeccable, he could be called a peerless good man, his talent, temperament, appearance, and net worth all made people stop, but he would hang himself if he didn't hang on any tree On the tree of Yi Shuihan, this offends her, how good it is is a lie, she wants to drive away all mad bees and butterflies for Yi Shuihan!
Rong Yun was making tea, and the tea he brewed was impeccable, just like his people.

Suddenly, Qianxue made a plan and smiled maliciously.

At this time, Yi Shuihan just came back, and Rong Yun was about to deliver the tea to Yi Shuihan, but Qianxue took a step ahead.

"Shuihan, you drink tea, I made it for you myself." Qianxue looked like a good wife and mother.

Rong Yun didn't speak, but looked at Yi Shuihan tenderly.

Yi Shuihan was a little awkward, the atmosphere was a bit wrong, took a sip of the tea, Qianxue obviously opened her eyes and told nonsense, as soon as she drank the tea, she knew it was made by Rong Yun.

"Shui Han, my seventh brother said that he wanted to ask you to meet." Qian Xue said while glancing at Rong Yun triumphantly.

Rong Yun was not happy when he heard that, Qianxue talked all day long about how wonderful her seventh brother was, and how her relationship with Shuihan was. If you don't admit that Qianxue is not bad, then Qian Nuo shouldn't be too bad.

Yi Shuihan thought for a while, she seemed to have not seen Qian Nuo for a long time, and she still had some business with Qian Nuo, "When will we meet?"

Qianxue murmured a few words in Yi Shuihan's ear mysteriously.

"Okay." Yi Shuihan nodded. Could it be that Qian Nuo is about to act, but she is not ready yet.

Rong Yun looked at Yi Shuihan sullenly, what kind of person is that Qian Nuo?
In the afternoon, Shangguan Ling and Guan Shan came, and Shangguan Ling asked Guan Shan to visit the brothers and sisters of the Gu family and pick her up at dusk.

Guan Shan was naturally very happy, and hurried to the market to buy some things to visit the Gu family brothers and sisters.

"Young Master Rong is here?" Shangguan Ling was a little surprised, seeing Rong Jun every time he came to Zhuangyuan Mansion.

"Ling'er, Young Master Rong lives next door." Qianxue pointed to the mulberry picking garden next door, emphasizing the words Young Master Rong.

"Oh, that's how it is." Shangguan Ling suddenly realized that the three consecutive houses lived in three extraordinary people, brother Yi, Mr. Yi, and Mr. Rong. No wonder the three of them could become friends.

"Qianxue, last time I asked you to ask about Mr. Qian..." Shangguan Ling said in a low voice, a little embarrassed.

"Oh, it's like this. My seventh brother said that Shui Han ordered that shot, that is, Shui Han was the one who saved you. He can't bear this thank you. If you want to thank, thank Shui Han."

Shangguan Ling was a little disappointed, and said in a low voice: "But, it was always Young Master Qian who came to the rescue."

"Linger, you don't have to take it to heart, it's just a matter of effort, my seventh brother never thought of getting anything from this matter." Qianxue said tactfully, she knew what Linger wanted, but she decided to play dumb.

Shangguan Ling looked disappointed. After thinking for a while, he plucked up his courage and said, "But, but I still want to thank Young Master Qian in person."

Qianxue never imagined that Shangguan Ling, who looked petite and weak, would have such a stubborn heart.

(End of this chapter)

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