Chapter 196
"Okay, I'll let Seventh Brother know. As for whether he's free or not, I'm not sure. My Seventh Brother is very busy recently." Qianxue didn't answer exactly, and made up a little lie. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. bigger.

"Thank you, Qianxue." Shangguan Ling thanked.

"You're welcome, I don't know if Seventh Brother is free yet." Qianxue laughed a few times, saying that Qian Nuo seemed to be coming, if Qian Nuo didn't invite her, wouldn't Linger feel very disappointed.


The night is hazy and foggy, a good night to talk about secrets.

Yi Shuihan was depressed, how could Qian Nuo meet in this kind of place, the woods, a good place to feed mosquitoes.

There is a pavilion ahead, where Qian Nuo has already been waiting.

Qian Nuo was still dressed in black, with a stern face, like a knight in the night, he seemed to be blending into the night.

"Hey, Xiao Nuo, can you not make an appointment at this kind of place next time, not only is it hard to find, but there are also many mosquitoes."

"Sit down." Qian Nuo ignored Yi Shuihan's complaint and said calmly.

Yi Shuihan brushed the dust off the stone bench, sat down and crossed his legs, as if waiting for Qian Nuo to speak.

"Hey, talk, you asked me out and didn't talk." Yi Shuihan glanced at Qian Nuo, that guy was weird.

"Does the deal between us still exist?"

"Of course, you teach me martial arts, and I'll help you with some things, so what do you want me to do now?" Yi Shuihan raised her eyebrows. She originally wanted to have fun, but now, she still wants to get a share of the money from Qianjia.

"Protect Qianxue for me."

"It's that simple?" Yi Shuihan was a little surprised.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Qian Nuo smiled, he never expected anyone to help him.

"Hehe, Qian Nuo, you look down on me too much, why not tell you that I am the person behind the Century Casino." Yi Shuihan told Qian Nuo, because she was not worried that Qian Nuo would bite her back, and Qian Nuo was indeed pretending to be Qian Xue They are relatives, and she is Qianxue's 'fiancé', and she and Qian Nuo have no enmity or hatred.

Qian Nuo was a little surprised, it turned out that Yi Shuihan had set up the scam in Fengyiju, and deceived the whole people in Ningcheng, he was very courageous.

"Then what?" Qian Nuo said.

"As long as you give me Qianjia's business secrets, I am confident that I will quickly attack Qianjia's property, and I will soon get what you want. After it is done, you just need to give me some money."

"Your credibility is very low." Unpredictably, Qian Nuo said such a sentence, maybe Yi Shuihan's intention is the entire Qian family, although his ultimate goal is revenge and the complete disappearance of the Qian family, but it does not mean that He was willing to let Yi Shuihan take over Qianjia as his own. At that time, Yi Shuihan was the only one in power. He didn't know how ambitious Yi Shuihan was, and if he would bite him back.

"Then make a written statement." Yi Shuihan was depressed. Does her appearance make people feel untrustworthy?

"Would you keep the written evidence in your heart?" Qian Nuo smiled, as long as Yi Shuihan didn't admit it, any written evidence was fake, and Yi Shuihan retorted that he was already used to it.

"If you don't believe me, you should always trust Qianxue. Everything in this matter is handled by Qianxue, and I'm just guiding you from the sidelines." She knew that Qiannuo was also a very suspicious person. How could it not be heavy.

"Qianxue?" His tenth sister really surprised him a lot.

"Currently the business of Century Gambling House is managed by Qianxue, and it has been stagnant because of Qianjia's obstruction."

(End of this chapter)

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