Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 301 The new official takes office 01

Chapter 301 The new official takes office 01
"Small ones must live up to the expectations of adults." Lawyer Zhao said with a mournful face, fearing that after the new lawyer got acquainted with the government office, it would be the time for him to be fired.

"Go and sort out all the public cases and give them to me. If I find out that you missed a single public case, you won't have to stay in the government office."

"Yes, my little one obeys, and my little one will go now." Zhao Xiang hurriedly went to sort out the case, not daring to be negligent. He lives in the government office, eats in the government office, and holds the office of the government office. He has lost his position as a master. I'm afraid I'm going to end up on the street.

Chu Yong respected Yi Shuihan all of a sudden, and his expression became firm, as if he met Bole's Maxima.

"Chu Yong, if you have anyone to recommend, you can tell me. In the martial arts competition ten days later, if you think anyone is not suitable to stay in the government office, you can defeat him."

"Yes, my lord." Chu Yong responded respectfully and with high fighting spirit.

Yi Shuihan spent a whole morning tidying up the entire government office, down to the details of the cleaning staff, the cooks, and even the office buildings where the office staff lived.

At noon, the new master hired him back, and he was also a scholar around 30 years old. Although he was dressed in coarse linen, he was washed clean, neatly dressed, and his hair was combed meticulously.

"What's your name?" Yi Shuihan sat on the chief seat, looking like a certain director.

"My surname is Song Mingzhong." Song Zhong wrote a series and replied.

end?Someone secretly laughed, and Zhao Xiang's face became even more smug. This person looks like a log, and it seems that it is not difficult to deal with.

"Zhao Xiang, you will get along well with Master Song from now on." Yi Shuihan glanced at Zhao Xiang.

"Yes, my lord." Although Zhao Xiang said so, he was very reluctant in his heart. He was even angrier when he heard Yi Shuihan call him Zhao Xiang and Song Zhong as Master Song.

"Zhao Xiang, take Master Song to get familiar with the environment." Yi Shuihan said.

"Yes, my lord, Master Song, please." Zhao Xiang almost gritted his teeth, hating Song Zhong very much in his heart.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao." Song Zhong said politely.

Yi Shuihan asked everyone to go down for lunch. She flipped through the public cases that Zhao Xiang had sorted out, and when she saw her, she stroked her forehead. There were hundreds of large and small cases, and some of them were dated last year. What does the magistrate do?

There are all kinds of sesame and mung bean things, should she be happy that there are no major cases, or is she annoyed by these trivial things?
Just when Yi Shuihan was about to go find something to eat, there was the sound of the Ninth Prince coming.

The person who came was Ling Yiran, who was wearing a purple robe. He was slender, tall and straight, handsome, noble and Qinghua, and more importantly, his identity, when he was the Ninth Prince of the Dynasty, shocked the officials almost broke their jobs. .

Yi Shuihan was still sitting in the high hall, she cast a look, what's the matter?
Ling Yiran saw Yi Shuihan raise his legs like a playboy, it would be extremely indecent if someone else made this gesture in the courtroom, but Yi Shuihan had a coquettish attitude when he did it, like a playboy out of ten, he was very impressed accurate.

"What's the matter?" Yi Shuihan saw that his brows were frowning again, but he didn't speak again.

"It's nothing, how are you? Are you still used to it?" Ling Yiran asked.

"Very good, didn't you just ask me these nonsense?" She really didn't want to answer, and she used up a lot of saliva today.

"That's right, have you eaten yet?" Ling Yiran asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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