Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 302 The new official takes office 02

Chapter 302 The new official takes office 02
"Getting ready." Speaking of which, she was really hungry after a busy morning.

"Go out to eat, I invite you." Ling Yiran looked very generous.

"It's okay, I have a lot of things to do in the afternoon, so let's eat here." It takes a while to go out for a meal, and now the weather is hot at noon, and she can't stand wearing two clothes.

"Okay then, what are you busy with this afternoon?" Ling Yiran asked tirelessly.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm going to eat, and you want to eat here too? The lunch here may not be very good." Yi Shuihan glanced at him. Can he, a prince who is used to delicacies from mountains and seas, eat a big pot meal?

"It's just a meal, how unpalatable it can be." Ling Yiran was a little annoyed, and Yi Shuihan indirectly said that he was pampered.

In the end, Yi Shuihan and Ling Yiran ate together in the dining room, and the eyeballs of the clerks fell out of shock. The originally noisy dining room was so quiet that you could even hear a needle drop on the ground. The clerks even chewed their meals carefully. Bite, for fear of making the slightest sound.

Yi Shuihan felt bored, so he quickly filled his stomach and left, making her look like a scourge.

After the break in the afternoon, Yi Shuihan sorted out the cases in chronological order and sent someone to inform the parties involved in the case of the opening time.

Tomorrow, the court will start to process these accumulated cases. If the average trial time for each case is 10 minutes, if there is no accident, it will be completed in a week at the fastest, and ten days at the slowest.

All of a sudden, the government office became busy, and no one dared to be negligent. Not only was the Ninth Prince sitting here, but he was also afraid of being dismissed by the new prefect. Jobs were important.

Ling Yiran sat on the sidelines and watched Yi Shuihan handle affairs with ease, in an orderly manner and at a very fast speed, which was too fast for those clerks to react.

Yi Shuihan is very serious when working, with a very professional appearance, sitting upright, sometimes frowning, sometimes tapping the table with his fingers a few times, and making a very puzzling movement, as if he wanted to turn the chair very much. Habitual action.

Ling Yiran couldn't help smiling every time he saw it, and Yi Shuihan would sigh imperceptibly every time he couldn't turn the chair.

It was near dusk that everything was settled, and the trial could officially start tomorrow. Yi Shuihan had someone post a notice outside the door, which was about some rules for entering the court, so as to improve work efficiency and speed up the trial speed.

"Can I go?"

"Okay." Yi Shuihan glanced at him, and suddenly felt that the current scene was very similar to the scene in the office of a 21st century lawyer's office, where a certain man who was pursuing was waiting for her to get off work.

When the two left the government office, the sun had already set in the west.

"You didn't come today just to supervise my work." Yi Shuihan said, don't think she doesn't know, Ling Yiran sat, drank tea and watched her all afternoon.

"You guessed it right. As for those who are free, I will come to supervise your work. I am free tomorrow, so you understand." The implication is that he will come tomorrow.

"It's really boring, it really is boring people doing boring things." Yi Shuihan shook his head, she was busy with people doing busy things.

The setting sun stretched the shadows of the two people long, and the soft light scattered on the two people, covering them with a layer of golden spots.

The red dots on Qianxue's body hadn't gone away, she stayed in Zhuangyuan's mansion and dared not go out, leaving all matters to the master of ceremonies.

(End of this chapter)

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