Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 303 The new official takes office 03

Chapter 303 The new official takes office 03
Yi Shuihan has never met Rong Yun today, maybe what she said last night has worked, she has seen the geography, culture and customs of Tianshui Kingdom and Xiyue Kingdom, the women there are equivalent to the men here, polygamous Husband system, even childbirth is a man. It is not that women cannot bear children, but they have to take a drug to get pregnant, but no woman will choose to have a baby by herself.

In fact, this is not the point. The point is that she never thought about getting married, let alone having a baby.

"Shuihan, come here, come here quickly." Qianxue shouted in the hall.

"what's up?"

"Drink the medicine." Qianxue handed the dark medicine to Yi Shuihan with a smile on her face.

"Huh?" Yi Shuihan glanced at Qianxue, how did this medicine come from?Isn't Rong Yun not here?

"Drink it quickly, I have been frying it for a long time." Qianxue urged, almost handing the medicine to Yi Shuihan's mouth.

Yi Shuihan looked at Qianxue suspiciously, but still took the medicine and drank it all.

"Did you make the wrong medicine?" Yi Shuihan asked in disbelief after finishing his drink.

"Hmph, if I don't know a good heart, I will never make the wrong medicine!" Qian Xue gritted her teeth, how could Rong Yun's medicine go wrong!
Qian Xue told Yi Shuihan that Guan Ling came this morning, she just went back, and saw the master of ceremonies came back, she put on a veil and went back to Qian's house with the master of ceremonies, Yi Shuihan was the only one left in the whole Zhuangyuan Mansion.

Yi Shuihan recalled that Fengying said that Chengbi, the owner of Peach Blossom House, and most of the men were from Tianshui Kingdom. She was very curious about why men could have children. She had seen the men in Peach Blossom House before, and she really couldn’t tell the difference, they were gentle. A little bit, but that Chengbi is not gentle at all, very poisonous.

It was getting dark when Qianxue and the master of ceremonies arrived at Qian's house. When they arrived at Qian Nuo's yard, they saw that Qian Nuo hadn't had dinner yet, so they ate dinner together.

"Brother Seven, is your wound still hurting?" Qianxue saw that his face was fine, and she seemed to be in a good mood as well.

"It's much better, but why do you wear a veil, sister ten?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm allergic to the wrong food, it will be fine in two days, but Seventh Brother, I take off the veil, no matter how much visual impact it gives you, don't scream."

"No." Qian Nuo smiled. He remembered that when he saw Yi Shuihan for the second time, Yi Shuihan took off his mask. He was not frightened, but shocked.

"Then I'll take it off." Qian Xue took off the veil, blinked her eyes, Qian Nuo didn't seem to respond, could it be that Qian Nuo's eyes are particularly strong?
"What did the doctor say?" Qian Nuo was a little worried after seeing it.

"No, you don't need to see a doctor, it's just an allergy, and it will dissipate in two days."

"What did you eat wrong?" It was the first time Qian Nuo heard about allergies.

"Crabs, I get allergic to crabs and get red rashes when I eat crabs." Qian Renxue regretted it after she finished speaking. She was not the real Qian Renxue, and maybe the real Qian Renxue would not be allergic to crabs.

"In the future, don't eat indiscriminately for the sake of your tongue." Qian Nuo warned.

"I, I will pay attention." Qianxue was relieved after hearing this, maybe the real Qianxue had never eaten crabs.

The master of ceremonies served the dishes, and the three of them had dinner together.

The master of ceremonies knew that Qianxue couldn't stand the temptation of delicious food, so while serving dishes for her, he didn't let her eat anything, only let her eat something light.

(Don't ask how a man has a child, it's like asking how the heroine can transmigrate into a crazy concubine. I don't know why the crazy concubine and the good-for-nothing lady are so powerful.)

(End of this chapter)

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