Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 304 The new official takes office 04

Chapter 304 The new official takes office 04
Qian Nuo looked at the master of ceremonies with approval in his eyes.

After the dinner was over, Qianxue asked the emcee to wait outside, and the emcee went out awkwardly. Although it was normal for the brothers and sisters to talk about things alone, he just felt that Qianxue didn't trust him.

"Brother Seven, what do you think of Yi Shuihan?" Qianxue observed his expression carefully.

Qian Nuo was at a loss for words, how about Yi Shuihan?How about it?How about it?How about it……

"Brother Seven, have you thought it over yet?" Qianxue saw that he hadn't spoken for a long time, with a blank expression on his face, and didn't know if he heard her.

"It's nothing." Qian Nuo said, he really couldn't think of anything.

"That's it..." Qianxue was a little disappointed, as expected, it was useless, if it wasn't for Ling'er saying thank you to Qian Nuo today, she would really have forgotten about it, besides, she has no right to stop Ling'er and Qian Nuo from getting acquainted.

Qian Nuo saw that she was frowning and frowning, could it be that Qian Xue had changed her mind about Yi Shuihan?Or they were.

"Sister Shi, no matter what decision you make, I will support you." Qian Nuo said lightly, maybe this is the best, Yi Shuihan is also worthy of Qian Xue.

"Well, thank you, Seventh Brother." Qianxue said emotionally, just like her previous elder brother, no matter what she did, her elder brother would support her.

Qiannuo was silent for a while, he couldn't say the word "thank you", he couldn't even describe his mood at the moment, he should feel relieved and happy...

"By the way, Seventh Brother, my face will be healed in two days, why don't we go to Jinlou for lunch the day after tomorrow, okay?"

"it is good."

"Then I'll come to you the day after tomorrow." Qianxue smiled, and it was done.

"Okay." Qian Nuo nodded absentmindedly, he didn't even know what he was doing, and couldn't hear what Qian Xue was saying.

"Then I'll go first, Seventh Brother, you have a good rest."

Qian Xue went out of the house and saw the master of ceremonies standing under the tree again. It was the same as the scene that day, which made her a little confused.

"What are you talking about for so long?" the master of ceremonies asked sullenly.

"It's just a few words." Qianxue turned her eyes away and went back to her yard.

Hmph, just a few words?Definitely more than ten sentences, the master of ceremonies added a few words in his heart, hummed twice, and seeing Qian Xue go far away, he quickly caught up with her.


Early the next morning, several groups of people stood at the gate of the government office. These are the parties to the case. They submitted the complaint and saw nothing for several months. They felt resentful and helpless. Yesterday, a government official came to inform that he would be promoted tomorrow. The victim was naturally happy, and the defendant was naturally angry.

This new lord is already extraordinary, and a prince came to sit in charge. The whole government did not dare to be negligent. They rushed to do their work, and found things to do when they had nothing to do, for fear that the prefect would see him idle.

In the courtroom, pictures of auspicious clouds and unicorns are hung on the walls, fair and strict plaques are placed on the beams, and official seals, documents, case files, signature slips, pen holders, inkstones, gavels, etc. are displayed on the court books.

The yamen servants respectfully served tea to the Ninth Prince and the magistrate, then stepped aside and stood upright.

"Ascend to the court, pass on Wang Gui and Chen Jiang to the court." The Yachai standing by the door shouted loudly.

"Grassman Wang Gui (Chen Jiang) sees the magistrate." The two men, one short and one fat, knelt down and kowtowed.

"Get up, Wang Gui, tell me the matter again, and Chen Jiang is not allowed to interrupt." Yi Shuihan sat on the main seat, looked at the pleadings, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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