Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 308 The new official takes office 08

Chapter 308 The new official takes office 08
"Yes, my lord, Cao Min bought a monkey from the market as a pet and kept it for ten days. Sun Cai stole Cao Min's monkey and refused to return it to Cao Min. Cao Min then sued Sun Cai. Go to court and ask your lord to make decisions for the grassroots." Li Wei said with a look of grief and indignation.

"Sun Cai, is there such a thing?" Yi Shuihan asked.

"Back to your lord, what you don't know is that this monkey was originally Cao Min's pet, but after disappearing this month, it turned up at Li Wei's house, so Cao Min went to Li Wei's house to get the monkey back. This monkey is willing to go with Cao Min because it knows Cao Min." Sun Cai also had a look of grief and indignation.

Li Wei hurriedly said: "My lord, this monkey was indeed bought by Caomin from the market. Caomin has witnesses. At that time, Caomin's friend Zhao San went to buy it with Caomin. Zhao San also bought a parrot."

Sun Cai said angrily: "Li Wei, you are talking nonsense, that is obviously my monkey, how could it appear in the market..."

Li Wei also said angrily: "I did buy it from the market..."

"Silent! Silent!" Yi Shuihan patted the table vigorously, completely pretending that she hadn't arrived.

The two of them knew that they were too excited, so they quickly closed their mouths, what if they were blamed by the magistrate.

Yi Shuihan said: "The witness Zhao San and the parrot he bought, and the monkey in Sun Cai's hands."

Zhao San came up, and he was indeed holding a parrot in his hand. This parrot had a long tail, colorful feathers, a huge body, and could talk, constantly saying 'delicious, delicious'.It made everyone laugh, Zhao San also earned enough face, his parrot is really worth buying.

The people outside the door also laughed, this parrot is very beautiful.

"Qianxue, this parrot is very similar to you, it's a foodie." The master of ceremonies didn't miss an opportunity to tease Qianxue.

Ling'er heard this and giggled.

"Hmph, that parrot is so ugly, how can it be compared to me." Qianxue was not at all self-effacing.

Seeing the crowd, the monkey immediately jumped on Sun Cai, who proudly raised his head, declaring that he was the monkey's owner.

Seeing this, Li Wei felt unwilling. He not only came here for the monkey, but also for the sake of face. People said that he stole other people's monkeys, so that he would have no face in the future.

Zhao Sandao: "My lord, this monkey was indeed bought by Cao Min accompanied Li Wei to the market, please check clearly, my lord."

The people outside the door began to discuss, whose monkey belongs to it?
Qian Xue said: "I said that monkey must be Sun Cai, otherwise how could that monkey only get close to Sun Cai."

The master of ceremonies said: "I don't think so. Li Wei is the plaintiff and Sun Cai is the defendant. Then Li Wei doesn't seem to be lying, and Li Wei has witnesses. Maybe Sun Cai secretly sold the monkey to other people. After passing it into Li Wei's hands, Sun Cai was reluctant to part with the monkey, so he took the monkey back on the grounds that he was close to the monkey."

Ling'er said: "Mr. Si, this is also a guess. The plaintiff is not necessarily the victim. The chain around the monkey's neck is very delicate, so I think Sun Cai cherishes this monkey very much and will not resell it."

Qianxue felt that what the two said made sense, but Qian Nuo didn't see her opinion, so she asked, "Brother Seven, what do you think?"

Qian Nuo said: "I don't know, maybe the three people in court didn't lie." He was really curious how Shui Han would deal with it.

Qian Xue doubted: "Sun Cai and Li Wei both said that the monkey is theirs, someone must have lied."

(End of this chapter)

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