Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 309 The new official takes office 09

Chapter 309 The new official takes office 09
The master of ceremonies said, "How do you think Master will judge?"

Ling'er said: "I said that this case is vague and should be postponed, and the trial will be conducted after some investigation."

Qian Nuo raised the corner of his mouth slightly, he felt that there would be no delay, and there would be a result, not only because he saw Shui Han's casual, confident, and relaxed appearance, but also a feeling.

In the courtroom, Yi Shuihan didn't speak, but took the gavel from the table and came to the parrot in Zhao San's hand.

Everyone was very curious about what the magistrate was going to do. Could it be that the parrot was so noisy that he wanted to beat it to death with a gavel?
Yi Shuihan put the gavel in front of the parrot and said, "It's delicious."

As soon as the parrot heard that it was delicious, it immediately pecked at the gavel wood. With a click, the parrot actually bit into a mouthful of sawdust, and then spit it out again, saying in its mouth, "It's deceptive, it's not delicious, it's deceptive." ,Unappetizing……'

Everyone was surprised and amused. What surprised them was that the gavel was made of hardwood. It took a long time to cut it with an axe, but the parrot bit it off in one bite, which shows how sharp and strong the teeth are.

'It's deceiving, it's not delicious, it's deceiving, it's not delicious...'

Yi Shuihan tapped the parrot on the head with a gavel, and said, "I just want to lie to you, how about it?"

"Bad guy, bad guy, bad guy..." The featherless part of the parrot's face turned red immediately, and it looked angry, saying "bad guy" non-stop.

Everyone laughed again, but why did the magistrate do this?
Qian Xue said with a smile: "What do you say Shui Han is going to do?"

Ling'er smiled and said: "I think that parrot is too noisy, Mr. Yi wants to punish it."

The master of ceremonies touched his chin: "Master must have his reasons for doing this."

Yi Shuihan returned to the main seat and sat down, and asked, "Zhao San, how much did you pay for this parrot?"

"Return to your lord, the grass people spent more than 1000 Wen." Zhao San was also a little bit reluctant, but seeing that the parrot was so beautiful, he bought it cruelly.

"But Zhao San, the parrot in your hand is worth more than 13 taels of silver."

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help being startled, and their eyes were fixed on the parrot, which was 13 taels of silver?The income of ordinary common people is not 13 taels of silver a year.

Zhao San became anxious when he heard this: "My lord, it is true that Caomin parrot was bought for more than 1000 renminbi, and Caomin really did not lie..."

Yi Shuihan said: "Zhao San, don't worry, I didn't say you were lying."

Li Wei raised a question: "My lord, how do you know that this parrot is worth 13 taels of silver?"

Yi Shuihan said: "This kind of parrot is called a macaw. It is huge in size, bright in color, has a very long tail, has no feathers on its face, turns red when excited, has a strong ability to learn words, and has a strong pecking power. The quantity is very small and the price is expensive, and generally only wealthy people can afford it."

It turned out to be the case.

Sun Cai said: "My lord, but what kind of parrot is this parrot, what does it have to do with who owns the monkey?" He only wanted to get back his monkey. The monkey has been with him for many years and must not be given to Li Wei.

Yi Shuihan said: "Sun Cai, this monkey is only close to you, which proves that this monkey was originally yours, but Li Wei didn't steal your monkey, he really bought it, so now, I suspect that selling the monkey The dealers with parrots are thieves, who specialize in stealing other people's pets for sale."

(End of this chapter)

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