Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 310 The new official takes office 10

Chapter 310 The new official takes office 10
It turned out that this was the case, and everyone suddenly realized.

Yi Shuihan said: "Chu Yong, immediately lead someone to arrest the suspect who sells parrots and monkeys based on the clues provided by Li Wei and Zhao San. I hope that Li Wei and Zhao San will cooperate with the government to arrest the suspect as soon as possible."

Chu Yong said: "Yes, my lord."

"Caomin must try their best to cooperate." Li Wei said, now that he is innocent, the monkey doesn't want it.

Yi Shuihan said: "Now the monkey is placed with Sun Cai first, and the case will be finalized after the suspect is caught."

Sun Cai said, "Thank you, sir."

Yi Shuihan said: "You don't have to thank me, let's go down, the next case, please pass it on quickly."

It takes about 30 minutes to hear a case, which is astonishingly fast.

After reading the two single cases, Shangguan Ling was originally delicate and could not stand still. There were beads of sweat on her forehead, but she was too embarrassed to speak out to spoil everyone's interest. The little maid saw that her lady was tired, so she took out her arms Live in Shangguanling, take out a handkerchief to wipe her sweat.

Qian Nuo looked at it very seriously, not noticing how much time had passed.

The master of ceremonies and Qianxue discussed the case for a while, and bickered for a while, talking non-stop.

"Miss Qian..." The little maid saw that her miss was indeed very tired, so she called Qian Xue.

"What's wrong? Ling'er, are you tired?" Qian Xue saw that her face was not very good.

"A little bit." Shangguan Ling said weakly.

"Well, that's all right, Seventh Brother, let's go." Qian Xue said to Qian Nuo, she was still thinking about waiting for Yi Shuihan to get off work, but it seemed that she couldn't wait.

"Going away?" Qian Nuo came back to his senses.

"Let's go, Ling'er is a little tired. There are many studies near here. Let's go to a study and have a cup of tea."

Qian Nuo glanced at the courtroom, and then left with Qian Xue.

Qian Xue deliberately let Qian Nuo and Shangguan Ling walk in front, and she and the master of ceremonies walked behind, but she observed for a long time, but she did not see Qian Nuo and Shangguan Ling saying a word.

"Master, why don't they talk?" Qianxue asked in a low voice full of doubts.

"You think everyone is like you, chattering non-stop." The master of ceremonies said unhappily, it's strange that Qian Nuo and Shangguan Ling talked.

"Okay, master of ceremonies, I allow you to come out and you still contradict me?" Qianxue glared at him, almost climbing on top of her head.

"Don't dare to dare, how about this, we are also in the way here, it's better to let them get along alone." The master of ceremonies was thinking Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, he hadn't settled himself yet, but he didn't have the heart to help others.

"It's a good idea, but if it's just the two of them, there will be silence, no, I want to stay to reconcile the atmosphere."

The master of ceremonies had bright eyes when he heard the first half of the sentence, but he lowered his face after hearing the second half.

"Master of ceremonies, what do you think of the two of them?"

"A man of talent and a woman's appearance, one is cold and the other is cute. Logically speaking, these two personalities are also very compatible, just like a ruthless swordsman meets a cute and weak beauty, and then fall in love with each other as a matter of course."

"Yes, yes, yes, I thought so too, but they haven't wiped out anything yet."

"It's only been half a day, what do you think you can wipe out?" the master of ceremonies said angrily.

"That's true. It seems that we need to create more opportunities. The so-called long-term love..."

The master of ceremonies was not happy when he heard that, why does Qianxue like to be a matchmaker so much, and Qiannuo is particularly difficult to deal with, so how many opportunities must be created to fall in love?

"Qianxue, as long as these things develop as they are, it's useless for us to intervene."

(End of this chapter)

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