Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 312 The new official takes office 12

Chapter 312 The new official takes office 12
Shangguan Ling laughed out loud.

"Qianxue, your ambitions are really big." The master of ceremonies looked at her strangely.

"Oh, it's a pity that I don't have that capital." Qianxue sighed.

Several people drank tea and chatted without saying a word, and the sun began to set.

Shangguan Ling rested for a while, his face had returned to ruddy, but he was a little disappointed, and his smile was not as cheerful as it was at the beginning.

Qian Nuo hardly said a word, always looking out the window and downstairs, her brows loosened and tightened for a while.

Qian Xue was a little distressed, what happened to Qian Nuo?Qian Nuo's mind is even more difficult to guess than Yi Shuihan's.


Dongcheng brocade and Xicheng brocade, the sky is covered with orange-red clouds, hanging in the sky like colorful satin.

At this time, there are more pedestrians on the street. There are people returning from a busy day, all kinds of hawkers, hawking and welcoming customers, which is a lively scene.

But somewhere in the street there was an extremely discordant scene.

"Hmph, I have plenty of money, you can have as much money as you want, as long as you obediently follow me back home."

Who is it but Yu Hongtian with that high-spirited, bullying voice?
"I don't need money, please get out of the way, my lord."

It was a cold and clear voice, but it was exceptionally pleasant to hear. It was an astonishing young man, extremely handsome, with half-man-length black hair hanging down his robe like a waterfall, fluttering with the breeze.

"Hmph, I don't know good and bad, who do you think you are? Isn't it the young lady of Peach Blossom House, I appreciate you and still pretend to be noble." Yu Hongtian looked at that man with lustful eyes.

The man's face didn't change, but there was a bit of disgust in his eyes, and there was a bit of calculation that was deeply hidden.

The people on the street originally felt sorry for that handsome young man, but when they heard that it was the man from Taohuaju, their expressions changed and their eyes became impure.

Some lecherous people even looked at that person unscrupulously, but because Yu Hongtian, the prime minister's son, did not dare to act presumptuously here, that was the person Yu Hongtian liked.

The man's cold eyebrows were raised inadvertently, and he glanced at a person approaching in the distance of the street. The calculating color in his eyes was a little more, and it was almost revealed in his eyes.

"Go back with me!" Yu Hongtian grabbed the man's hand.

The disgust in the man's eyes was fully revealed, but a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, he shook off Yu Hong Tian's hand very quickly, and left in a hurry.

"Come on, go and catch him! Quick!" Yu Hongtian shouted.

A large group of servants from the Prime Minister's Mansion chased after him, threatening to catch the man.

"Master Yi." The man almost bumped into Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan blinked her eyes, a little surprised by this sudden person, after seeing Yu Hongtian, she immediately understood that she seemed to have been calculated.

"Master Cheng is in a hurry to throw himself into my arms?" Yi Shuihan brushed past Chengbi, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Then Mr. Yi, is he willing to help me out?" Cheng Bi raised the corners of her lips lightly, and said in a low voice.

"I will never reject a beauty." Yi Shuihan also smiled.

Yu Hongtian was a little dazed when he saw the two of them. These two people were the ones he missed day and night, but Yi Shuihan was already the number one scholar, so he couldn't move. Can replace Yi Shuihan.

"Master Yu, could it be that you have been acupunctured?" Yi Shuihan pulled out the fan at his waist, opened it with a swish and shook it, pretending to be puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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