Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 313 The new official takes office 13

Chapter 313 The new official takes office 13
Yu Hongtian reacted, furious in his heart, but there was nothing he could do, he would never let that young man go today.

"I don't know what's the matter with the number one scholar? Please don't bother me to arrest people." Yu Hongtian raised his chin and said.

When passers-by heard this, this stunningly glamorous young master is this year's new champion?At that time the number one scholar and Miss Qianjia were engaged to each other, and it was heard that Miss Qianjia was snatched by the number one scholar from General Shangguan. Now seeing the number one scholar, they finally know why Miss Qianjia did not choose General Shangguan.

"I won't bother you to arrest people, but if you arrest my friends, it's a different matter." Yi Shuihan said, she is not afraid of offending the Prime Minister, but Prime Minister Yu dare not breathe in the hall, if It would be better if she was offended, and it would be better to read her book in court, impeach her, and let the emperor dismiss her.

"Hmph, what I want to arrest is the young man, please let the champion get out of the way."

"Oh, I'm so unlucky, that person is my friend." Yi Shuihan pretended to be helpless, and she also knew that after today's move, it would definitely spread in Ningcheng about the number one scholar and the young lady in Taohuaju. Whatever, but she doesn't care about fame.

"How can the number one scholar be friends with the young lady from Taohuaju? How can those people be worthy of you, the number one scholar?" Yu Hongtian sneered.

"Oh, then I will be even more unworthy of you, the son of the prime minister, Mr. Yu, so I will take this person away." Yi Shuihan put away his golden fan, waved to Chengbi, and left.

The two stunning figures left together, leaving passers-by with two indescribably beautiful backs.

Yu Hong's teeth are chattering and his veins are exposed. If he doesn't get Yi Shuihan, it will ruin his good deeds. Hmph, if he can't get it, he will be ruined!

It was dusk at this time, Qianxue saw that it was getting late, she promised Guan Shan to send Ling'er to the General's Mansion, if she didn't send Ling'er to the General's Mansion, the people in the General's Mansion might be anxious, so she prepared to pay the bill and leave.

"Hey, isn't that Master? Where is Master going?" The master of ceremonies happened to see Yi Shuihan on the street downstairs from the window.

After hearing the words, several people went to the window to have a look. Yi Shuihan was not heading back to Zhuangyuan Mansion, but where was he going?
"Who is the person next to Mr. Yi?" Shangguan Ling was a little surprised, this person is really amazing.

"How could it be him?" Qian Xue was startled, it was Cheng Bi, the owner of Peach Blossom House, how did they come together?

"Who is he?" the master of ceremonies wondered.

"Uh, yes, it's a friend of Shuihan's." Qianxue hesitated, she dared not say that she was from Taohuaju.

"What friend?" Qian Nuo frowned.

"Eh? Yes, it's an ordinary friend." Qian Xue looked at Qian Nuo in amazement. Qian Nuo hadn't spoken for almost an hour, but suddenly said such a sentence, which really scared her.

"Do you know Ten Sister?" Qian Nuo asked again.

"I know, I don't know, I don't know." Qianxue shook her head hastily. Could it be that Qian Nuo was curious about Chengbi?Then again, Chengbi is a bit strange.

"Since you don't know him, how do you know that he is a friend of the master?" The master of ceremonies looked at her and asked, there must be something tricky about it.

"That time I saw Shui Han with him from a distance, so I asked Shui Han." Qian Xue said in a bad mood, in order to hide her guilty conscience.

"Is that so?" The master of ceremonies still didn't quite believe it.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Qianxue said a little angrily, hum, she didn't believe her, even though she was lying.

"I don't believe it." Seeing that she was a little angry, the master of ceremonies dismissed even the last doubt.

(End of this chapter)

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