Chapter 325
At this time, the male servant came upstairs last time and said, "My lord, do you want to inspect tonight's performance?"

Yi Shuihan became interested: "Is there still a performance in Peach Blossom House? Then I really need to see it."

Chengbi waved her hand to signal the servant to go down, then raised her eyebrows casually, and glanced at Yi Shuihan.

He got off the chaise longue slowly, and when he stood up, his robe was dragged to the ground, covering his feet, the wind blew, his clothes fluttered, and he walked towards the room with a coquettish figure.

It was only then that Yi Shuihan realized that he was not wearing shoes, and there were no shoes placed in front of the chair.

After a while, Chengbi came out of the room without changing clothes or combing her hair, just listening to the sound of footsteps, there was an extra pair of shoes on her feet.

He walked down the stairs slowly, even though it was a wooden floor, he hardly made a sound when he walked.

Yi Shuihan smiled, what a weird person, are all the men in Tianshui Kingdom so weird?If she guessed correctly, Chengbi would still have a baby, thinking of this, she smiled again, in fact, she really wanted to laugh up to the sky, but she was afraid of being heard by Chengbi.

Yi Shuihan followed Chengbi to a room on the second floor. There was a window in the room, through which one could see everything in the lobby.

On the stage, there are all kinds of beautiful men performing songs and dances, and the guests are laughing and talking, discussing who is beautiful and who is beautiful, and there are women with bamboo hats present.

Suddenly, Yi Shuihan was alone, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud, and also laughed at the funnyness that he wanted to laugh at Chengbi just now.

"Is it funny?" Cheng Bi glanced at her sideways.

"Haha, haha, it's funny, it's funny, it's very funny..." Yi Shuihan said three funny things in a row. That person is Huaying, who never thought that he would sneak into Peach Blossom House and become a cowherd, but it's a waste of Huaying not being a cowherd .

"What's so funny?" Chengbi's face was a little cold.

"Ahem, Peach Blossom House is not a place for people to have fun. Of course I'm here to buy a laugh. Am I going to cry?" Yi Shuihan was still laughing, and the look of Huaying with lowered eyebrows was really funny.

"Hmph, it really is as black as crows in the world." Cheng Bi snorted coldly.

Yi Shuihan glanced at him, how did she offend him?What an inexplicable person.

Yi Shuihan didn't leave Taohuaju until the singing and dancing were over.


The government office has been reorganized, a lot of old people have been kicked out, and a group of new people have been replaced. Sometimes she goes to give advice to Chu Yong, and if someone beats the drum and complains, she will try the case. Other than that, she has nothing to do .

In the next few days, Yi Shuihan was doing nothing and doing nothing, and there was usually no one in the Zhuangyuan Mansion at night, so she mostly sneaked to Taohuaju and Chengbi to sneer at each other, or watch Huaying make jokes.

Zhuangyuan Mansion, in the early morning, the soft morning light has climbed up the window sill.

Qianxue got up early today, but she didn't see Yi Shuihan, she usually gets up very early, even if she wants to go to the government office, she doesn't have to be so early.

"Master, where's Shuihan?"

"Let's stay in the room. I didn't see Master when I got up to make breakfast this morning." The master of ceremonies also felt a little strange, usually the master would have already woken up at this time.

Qianxue thought that Yi Shuihan might go to the government office today, so she went to wake Yi Shuihan up, but knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly saw that the lock on the outside of the door was not fastened. Yi Shuihan usually would not be so forgetful, so he fastened it, but it was strange that the door couldn't be opened no matter how hard he pushed it?

(End of this chapter)

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