Chapter 326
If it is not locked but cannot be pushed open, it means it is locked inside?Is Yi Shuihan inside?

"Shuihan, Shuihan, are you there? Open the door..." Qianxue knocked on the door forcefully and shouted.

But there was no movement inside, Qian Xue was a little worried, Shui Han was locked inside?

"Master of ceremonies, master of ceremonies, come here, master of ceremonies..." The more Qian Xue thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong, she called for the master of ceremonies loudly.

"What's the matter?" The master of ceremonies ran over confused.

"Shuihan might be locked inside. Hurry up and open the door." Qianxue was a little anxious and slammed on the door forcefully, but the door was processed by Yi Shuihan, so she couldn't break it open so easily.

"Qianxue, get out of the way." The master of ceremonies was also anxious, and kicked the door, with a bang, the door was only shaken.

"Then what is Yi Shuihan doing with such a strong door?" Qianxue was anxious and angry, she was at a loss for a while, and she didn't know what happened to Yi Shuihan inside.

The master of ceremonies kicked several times, and finally there was a loud bang, the door collapsed, he was about to rush in, but was stopped by Qian Xue.

"You stay here and don't allow anyone to come in." Qian Xue said as she rushed into the room.

Qianxue went in nervously, saw that Yi Shuihan was still sleeping, and upon closer inspection, there seemed to be something wrong, and she couldn't even hear such a loud kick on the door?
"Shuihan, Shuihan, wake up." Qian Xue went over to push Yi Shuihan, but there was no response, she immediately panicked.

"Shui Han, what's wrong with you? Wake up, wake up quickly." Qian Xue shouted more and more panicked.

Seeing that Yi Shuihan's hands were firmly grasping the bed sheet, his eyelashes were trembling slightly, as if he was having a nightmare.

"Shuihan, wake up, hey, don't scare me..." Qianxue almost cried.

She tried to open Yi Shuihan's hand, and touched that cold hand, even if it was a nightmare, it was not like this.

"Master of ceremonies, hurry up and call Rong Yun, woo hoo, master of ceremonies..." Qian Xue said in a teary voice.

"Qianxue, what's wrong?" The master of ceremonies also panicked.

"Quick, hurry up and call Rong Yun, I don't know what's wrong with Shuihan? Huh..."

"You wait for me." The master of ceremonies immediately ran to the mulberry garden.

Yi Shuihan seemed to be in pain, his eyebrows were furrowed, his eyelashes trembled slightly, his lips were pale, as if he was raving, his breathing was a little hasty, his hands were tightly grasping the quilt, and the quilt was about to be shattered.

"Shuihan, Shuihan, woohoo, what's wrong with you? Wake up..." Qianxue cried and pushed Yi Shuihan, but she couldn't wake up after pushing back and forth.

With a whoosh, a gust of wind blew by, and Rong Yun had arrived, with an anxious and panicked expression on his face.

"What's wrong with Shuihan?" Rong Jun immediately came to the bedside, seeing Yi Shuihan's painful expression, he panicked even more.

"I don't know, I can't wake her up no matter how much I scream, hurry up, wake her up, woo woo..."

"Don't touch her, she's dreaming, don't wake her up, don't wake her up..." Rong Jun whispered.

When Qianxue heard the words, she immediately silenced her voice, not daring to cry, she was afraid of waking Yi Shuihan up, and she didn't know what would happen if she woke up Yi Shuihan.

Rong Yun gently stroked Yi Shuihan's forehead, took her hand, and wrapped it with his own.

He heard that there is a strange kind of dream that cannot be interrupted. Maybe this kind of dream is not called a dream, but a mental barrier, which is planted by people. The dreamer does not even know what dream he had after waking up.

If he is interrupted during his dream, he will remember everything in the dream after waking up. If the dream is bad news, he may not be able to bear the bad news when he wakes up. He dare not imagine the consequences.

(End of this chapter)

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