Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 341 Building Ri Shen Pavilion 01

Chapter 341 Building Ri Shen Pavilion 01
"Qianxue, who did you meet again tonight?" The master of ceremonies asked a bit sourly, especially seeing that Qianxue was in a good mood, who made her so happy?

"I didn't see anyone, I went out to play for a while, why are you still up so late?" Qianxue saw his strange look, especially the look in his eyes, as if she seemed to have done something heinous and sorry for him.

"Where did you go to play? Why didn't you let me go?" The master of ceremonies couldn't believe where she went to play.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you there next time, dear, sister, I'm sleepy now, I'm going to sleep, bye." Qianxue only left a chic back for the master of ceremonies.

The master of ceremonies is getting angry, good?elder sister?Clearly when he is a child!He is not easy to fool!


The next day, Yi Shuihan didn't even go to the Imperial Academy, anyway, it didn't matter if she was missing, because no one dared to order her to do things.

Seeing that Yi Shuihan was free, Qianxue took her to the newly opened restaurant and said that the brothers and sisters of the Gu family were also there.

The building is full of wind, surrounded by low buildings, it seems to be a group of cranes independent, except for the first floor, the second, third and fourth floors upstairs are all open, only supported by a few pillars, guests can have a panoramic view of the street on the upper floor. everything.

Yi Shuihan looked up and saw that the wind is all over the building, the name is a bit interesting, the mountain rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building, and the momentum of the restaurant is also in line with it.

The three of them entered Fengmanlou and found a table on the top floor. The cool breeze on the top floor was a good place to drink tea and wine.

"How about it? It's amazing. The reputation of Fengmanlou will soon surpass that of Jinlou, the number one restaurant in Ningcheng." Qianxue said triumphantly.

"With Fengmanlou, it would be nice to build a Rishen Pavilion on the opposite side." Yi Shuihan smiled.

"Good idea, good idea." Qianxue immediately praised her, how could she never think of it, and planned it immediately before leaving Ningcheng.

"Why do you need to build a Rishen Pavilion when the building is full of wind?" The master of ceremonies wondered.

"When the stream cloud rises at the beginning, the sun sinks into the pavilion, and the mountain rain is about to come, and the wind fills the building."

"Good poems, good poems, Brother Yi has a good literary talent." Gu Changfeng was coming upstairs, and he heard this line of poems when he reached the stairs. Originally, he saw the plaque on Fengmanlou and thought that the name of this building had a good name. Great, never thought there would be such a poem.

"Hehe, Changfeng, Xiangrong, please sit down. I don't know how to compose poems. This poem was written by a man named Xu Hun."

"Who is Xu Hun?" Gu Changfeng came as soon as he talked about his interest in poetry.

"Xu Hun is a poet. He is good at reminiscing about the past. Most of his poems are about chasing after the mountains and rivers, and looking up at the rise and fall of the past and the present. They are quite desolate and sad."

"This person must be extremely talented, but I am ignorant and have never heard of this person." Gu Changfeng sighed.

"The so-called there is a sky beyond the sky, there are people beyond people, and there are hidden masters. I have never heard of anything strange." She didn't want to drag on this issue.

"That's, that's, there are all kinds of wonders in the world." Gu Xiangrong said with a smile.

"Don't talk about any poems, I'm an ordinary person, I can't understand." Qian Xue said, she hasn't read a few poems, so she can't get into the topic.

"Hehe, I said Miss Qian is a wonderful talent, she can come up with a restaurant like Fengmanlou." Gu Xiangrong said in admiration.

"Miao Zan, Miao Zan, it's Chang Feng and Xiang Rong, you are from a scholarly family, but I let you work as directors and consultants in restaurants and restaurants, I am really sorry." Qian Xue said a little guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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