Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 342 Building Ri Shen Pavilion 02

Chapter 342 Building Ri Shen Pavilion 02
Qianxue has already applied the management plan of the 21st century restaurant here.

"Miss Qian, please don't say that. I am very happy to take this position as a consultant, and I want to continue to do so." Gu Xiangrong said hastily. Now that she is busy working, it can bring her a lot of unprecedented happiness and happiness. sense of accomplishment.

"Changfeng is also very happy to be the director of Fengmanlou." Gu Changfeng said, Fengmanlou is a famous restaurant in Ningcheng, and working here gave him a lot of sense of accomplishment.

Qianxue: "Hehe, that's good, that's good. I also plan to build a Rishen Pavilion opposite, but it's not a restaurant. It's a shop like a study. It's right to drink tea, read books and recite poems."

"Qianxue, is there time to build it?" the master of ceremonies asked, they were about to leave Ningcheng.

"It's in time, it's in time, but I need you, Changfeng, to guide me. I may let you, Changfeng, be a deacon in Rishen Pavilion at that time." But she may not see the opening of Rishen Pavilion.

"Miss Xie Qian is flattering." Gu Changfeng is not hypocritical, and he is even more happy to be able to be accompanied by books.

"Hehe, I am the one thanking you." Qianxue smiled.

It’s not lunch time yet, most of the guests in Fengmanlou are ordering a pot of tea to chat and chatting. Fengmanlou is not like other restaurants that limit the time for guests to sit around. You can order a pot of tea and sit for a whole day , so Fengmanlou is full of guests all the time.

"Brother Yi, I heard that you are the magistrate in the Ningcheng government?" Gu Changfeng asked, failing to get a good name in the examination, and being an official or a half-job has always been a thorn in his heart.

"Oh, don't mention it. When I was the magistrate, I was annoyed by a pile of sesame and mung beans every day. But now that I have been promoted and entered the Imperial Academy as a servant, the contrast is huge. The servant has nothing to do. .”

"It turns out that Brother Yi has already been promoted, but how can he have nothing to do as an attendant?" Gu Changfeng wondered.

"How do you know, it's better to have nothing to do, and I'm happy to be free, otherwise I wouldn't be able to drink tea with you here now."

"Hehe, Brother Yi's mentality is indeed happy, and his heart is as clear as a mirror." Gu Changfeng deeply admired him, because he was too persistent, chasing fame and fortune too much, he was really ashamed, ashamed.

"Don't say that, I'm too lazy." Yi Shuihan sneered twice, now she is happy, there are tigers in front and jackals in back, and every step of the way is frightening.

Several people discussed the general plan of Rishen Pavilion, and each put forward their opinions. They chatted until noon. After lunch, the three of Yi Shuihan said goodbye to the brothers and sisters of the Gu family, and went to inspect other shops.

As they were passing by Li Qian's house, Qian Xue said that she wanted to go to Qian's house and told Qian Nuo something, so the three of them went into Qian's house.

Yi Shuihan saw that the Qianjia Mansion was no longer as luxurious as it used to be, instead it seemed to be depressed.

In the past, even in places where there were no people, it was noisy; although it is depressed now, there is a scene of tranquility, and even the chirping of birds is particularly pleasant.

The precious flowers and plants withered, weeds grew, the trees were not pruned, and the old trunks and branches slanted out sideways, and began to grow in strange shapes.

The Qianjia mansion is very large, and it took a while to reach Qiannuo's yard.

It’s early summer now, but Qiannuo’s yard feels like late autumn. The house is a bit dilapidated, and weeds are even seen growing on the roof tiles. The yard is full of dense trees, very deep, and the ground is full of leaves. , no one cleaned.

(End of this chapter)

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