Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 361 The Palace Feast 01

Chapter 361 The Palace Feast 01
Half of the sun has set, and only half of the head is left to detour on the heavy palace, it seems that a flash god will fall.

Ling Xiaoran lost his mind for a moment, the faint setting sun scattered on the boy's side face, the golden light spots were jumping, crystal clear, without a trace of blemish, the dark red lips were more alluring under the setting sun, and the long eyelashes fell into a streak The shadow of the arc covers the expression in the eyes, which are a pair of sinking eyes.

A cool breeze blew, and the whole imperial garden was blooming with flowers and branches, and the fragrance was floating, the petals were messed up, the fragrance was messed up, the clothes were messed up, and the black hair was messed up...

After a while, half of the sun on the palace also set, dusk struck, and the sky began to darken.

Yi Shuihan raised his head to look at Ling Xiaoran, it was getting dark soon, he didn't speak and didn't let her go.

Ling Xiaoran was slightly taken aback, those eyes were so deep and bewitching, like a deep pool, bottomless, cold and mysterious, people couldn't help but explore.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late, I won't bother you anymore, I'll take my leave first." Yi Shuihan made a series, perhaps Ling Xiaoran became curious about her, Ling Xiaoran is the king of a country, she knew she couldn't beat Ling Xiaoran, It's still best to leave.

Ling Xiaoran was suddenly a little angry, Yi Shuihan was the first person who dared to challenge his bottom line, almost to the point of ignoring him.

"Is the champion in a hurry to leave?"

"No, it's just that I'm afraid of disturbing the emperor's work and rest time." Yi Shuihan looked like I was thinking of you, she really said this against her will.

Ling Xiaoran became even angrier, Yi Shuihan's courage was extraordinary, and he challenged him again and again.

"The courage of the number one scholar really surprised me." Ling Xiaoran's eyes like cheetahs fell on Yi Shuihan, exuding a trembling deterrence from his whole body.

"The emperor is absurd." Yi Shuihan's tone was a little low-key, she knew that she had angered Ling Xiaoran, Ling Xiaoran was more moody than Cheng Bi, at least she knew why Cheng Bi was angry.

"Does the number one scholar really think that I am approving?" Ling Xiaoran asked with a half-smile.

"I'm stupid, what does the emperor mean?" Yi Shuihan raised his head and glanced at him, with a look of helplessness in his eyes, what do you think?
Seeing the look in Yi Shuihan's eyes, Ling Xiaoran was shocked, today he was uncharacteristically angry, how could he be manipulated by others, no one can influence him!
"Back off." Ling Xiaoran said coldly.

"Your Majesty, leave." Yi Shuihan made another series of retreat, the weather is uncertain, and being with the king is like being with a tiger. This is absolutely true.

When I left the gate of the palace, it was already dark, and the palace lanterns along the way illuminated this magnificent palace brilliantly, extremely luxurious.

She really didn't intend to get involved in this political center, maybe she played too much.

She is willing to be ordinary, willing to be unknown, but unwilling to have an ordinary heart, unwilling to live an ordinary life, it is too boring to live in the world like that.

If she can't control everything about herself, she would rather face the wind in danger than lose herself in a peaceful life.

Ling Xiaoran is a born conqueror, and she is a born rebel, the two are natural enemies, perhaps after today's dusk, a game of cat and mouse, police and thief will unfold.

Quick battles have always been her preferred way of fighting, and this time is no exception.

After tidying up his mood, he walked quickly to Zhuangyuan's mansion under the moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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