Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 362 The Palace Feast 02

Chapter 362 The Palace Feast 02
The next day, the palace seemed to be very busy today, and there were many people walking around in the palace.

On the way, Yi Shuihan heard the gossip of the maids and found out that tonight the palace will hold a grand banquet, which is the first official banquet since the emperor ascended the throne.

When Yi Shuihan arrived at the Hanlin Academy, he saw the happy faces of those attendants, they were not interested in doing anything, and only after hearing their whispers did he know that the Imperial Academy was also present at the banquet tonight.

Several servants gather around to discuss how to court tonight, which princess is good, which lady is good, or how to show off their talents and win the appreciation of the emperor and the favor of the princess and lady.

Yi Shuihan shook her head, extremely bored, but she wanted to see the so-called palace banquet.

It had just fallen into the night, and the sky hadn't completely darkened yet, the palace lanterns illuminated the entire palace like bright pearls, shining brightly.

Today's weather is very good, the banquet is set in the open air, rows of tables and seats are displayed, extending to almost no end, it can be seen how grand the banquet is tonight.

Delicious delicacies, fragrant tea and fine wines, rare and exotic fruits, all in a dazzling array, extremely luxurious.

The beautiful ladies in long skirts fluttered, holding flower baskets and serving wine and tea.

The ministers brought their spouses and children to attend. This kind of banquet is still a blind date and marriage banquet. The ministers naturally hope that their sons will be favored by the princesses and daughters, and their daughters will marry noblely.

So the young ladies of the official family were indispensable at the scene, all of them dressed up uniquely, flattering and comparing each other.

As soon as the emperor arrived, everyone quickly retreated to their seats, and a group of figures bowed and bowed, shouting to see the emperor.

"Excuse me." Ling Xiaoran waved her sleeves and sat on the main seat.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." When everyone saw that the emperor was seated, they took their seats.

Ling Xiaoran is wearing a dragon white python robe with piping today, and a jasper red belt. She is extremely handsome, her face is as carved as a sculpture, with distinct features, sharp edges and corners, noble Tsinghua, noble and peerless, and the majesty and depth exposed in her body make people unpredictable.

The emperor is not only the son of heaven, but also the most noble person in Beiming Kingdom, and also a rare handsome man in the world. Many unmarried women secretly look at the emperor, but they are intimidated by the emperor's aura and dare not look more.

The concubines were dressed up to attend, and they were all more beautiful than flowers, competing for beauty in twos and threes. All kinds of dresses and hairstyles, a hundred flowers bloomed, dazzled everyone.

Actresses filed in, singing and dancing, with fluttering skirts and fluttering sleeves.

Yi Shuihan huddled in the corner, unable to even see the emperor, and her colleagues who were a little off-line were as excited as peacocks in estrus.

"Yi Shidu, I heard that you already have a fiancée?" Zhou Shidu smiled maliciously. Yi Shuihan is unparalleled in beauty, so he must be very easy to be favored by beauties, so he is useless.

"Zhou Shidu, can you stop calling me Yi Shidu, call me Mr. Yi." Yi Shuihan was a little mad, her surname was already a bit of a mouthful, and with the official title of Shidu, she wanted to flatter her.

"No problem. I heard that Mr. Yi is his fiancée or Miss Qianjia, and he snatched it from General Shangguan."

"So what?"

"Since Mr. Yi already has a fiancée, I'm afraid none of the princesses present will be able to catch Mr. Yi's eyes?" Zhou Shidu said smugly.

The implication is that you want these princesses to be concubines?It is obviously impossible for these princesses to be born noble, so don't waste your efforts.

(End of this chapter)

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