Chapter 481
It wasn't until nightfall that several people sat down to have dinner together. They wanted to drink some wine, but there was no wine in the other courtyard, probably because Rong Yun didn't drink at all.

The martial arts conference is on July [-]th, and there are still seven days left, so the next seven days will be spent in Jinlan Garden.

The next morning, the sun rose in the east, and the rising sun pierced through the mist and scattered over Tongcheng. The air was not dry, but rather humid and misty, and the orchid grass was covered with crystal drops of water.

The climate of Tongcheng is wetter than that of Ningcheng, and the precipitation is also more abundant, which is probably the reason why Tongcheng is surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Everyone came to the front hall to have breakfast, but the owner, Rong Yun, was nowhere to be seen.

The housekeeper explained that Rong Yun had to go out for some business, which could be as short as two days or as long as four days.

Everyone looked at Leng Jian, Leng Jian and Rong Yun were the most familiar, so they should know.

Leng Jian shook his head in bewilderment, even he himself was puzzled by this matter, what exactly is Rong Yun going to do?Could it be going back to Nanlin Villa?But why not tell him?So Rong Yun is definitely not going back to the villa.

After breakfast, Qianxue said that she was going to the street to have a look, and the master of ceremonies naturally accompanied Qianxue. As for the others, they were not interested, so they didn't go.

Yi Shuihan left the front hall, and Mo Ningxun followed.

Cheng Bi looked at the two of them a little cryptically, and then went back to the room. Now that he is under the fence, it is not easy to go too far.

Qian Nuo was a bit lost, he really wanted to know the relationship between Shui Han and Mo Ningxun, it seemed that he wanted to find an opportunity to ask Qian Xue.

After Yi Shuihan learned that Mo Ningxun was the master of the Demon Palace, she inquired about what the Demon Palace was for. She was a little surprised when she found out. The first time she saw Mo Ningxun, she knew it was not easy, but she didn't expect it to be so not simple.

Seeing that he had been following him, Yi Shuihan asked, "Mo Ningxun, how long do you plan to stay in Tongcheng?"

Mo Ningxun smiled and said, "Can you call me Ning, or Xun?"

Yi Shuihan: "Why don't we call it Ning Xun."

Mo Ningxun thought about it, and it was better than calling him Mo Ningxun, so she reluctantly agreed, and said, "What about you? How long are you going to stay in Tongcheng?"

"I don't know, I will make plans after the martial arts conference. You are the master of the Demon Palace, so you must be very busy."

"Not busy, not busy at all." Mo Ningxun said, compared to you, other things are not worth mentioning.

"Why don't you wear women's clothes?" Ever since he knew that Shui Han was a woman, he had always wanted to ask this question.

"I don't know, maybe I'm used to it." Yi Shuihan said, habit is really a terrible thing, you can't get rid of it.

"But it's good for you to wear men's clothing, it looks good." Mo Ningxun said sincerely, he said this for a purpose, if Shui Han wears women's clothing, he will definitely provoke more other men, before he captures Shui Han's heart, It's better to wear men's clothes when the water is cold.

"Really? Thank you for your appreciation." Yi Shuihan smiled, and pulled out the golden fan on his waist to play with.

Mo Ningxun had recognized the golden fan a long time ago, but how could it be in Shui Han's hands, he and Shui Han had only known each other a few days ago, so it was not easy for him to ask.

"If I'm not mistaken, the golden fan in your hand belongs to Ling Yiran, right?"

"Oh, I didn't expect this golden fan to be quite famous." Yi Shuihan said with a smile, Qian Nuo also recognized Ling Yiran at a glance before.

"Who doesn't know that the Ninth Prince of the Dynasty never left his hand with a golden fan, but why did it come to you?" Seeing that she didn't mind, Mo Ningxun asked boldly.

"It was exchanged with Ling Yiran."

"Oh? What to exchange?" Mo Ningxun was very curious, what exactly did Shuihan use to exchange this golden fan for an equivalent value.

"A paper fan."

"Paper fan? What kind of paper fan?" Mo Ningxun couldn't believe it. It is not impossible to exchange a paper fan for a fan made of pure gold, but this gold fan is not an ordinary fan.

"It's just an ordinary paper fan. I remember it was bought with ten cents." Yi Shuihan thought for a while and said.

A ten-cent paper fan?Mo Ningxun smiled, probably Ling Yiran was tricked by Shui Han.

(End of this chapter)

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