Chapter 482
Leisure Valley.

There are clusters of mountains here, majestic, majestic, and shrouded in clouds and mist. Looking at the past, it is all emerald green, overlapping, and gloomy.

The valley entrance of Xianyun Valley is very difficult to find, unless someone who is familiar with the terrain can't find it at all, and the road is rugged, there are no traces to be found, and it is difficult for horses to enter, so you can only find the valley entrance by walking to identify the direction.

There are only a few dilapidated wooden pillars at the entrance of the valley. There is no door. There is a wooden board that is almost rotten beside it. You can vaguely see the three characters "Xianyungu" engraved on it. Although it is broken, you can still peep out of the wood. The characters on it are extremely elegant, such as the clouds in Wushan and the flowing water in the Yangtze River, which shows that its carving is superb.

The person who came was dressed in crescent white, and the hem of his robe was stained with mud and grass, but it still did not damage the aloofness and desolation.

The fifteen or sixteen-year-old drug boy happily greeted Taniguchi's visitor.

"Young Master Rong, are you here?" Yaotong said in surprise.

"Qingyu, how are you doing recently?"

"Hehe, it's good, but no one talks to Qingyu, the young master doesn't like to talk, and I don't say a word all day long, so I have to talk to myself..." Qingyu talked endlessly , while leading the visitor into the valley.

"Oh, I guess the young master is sitting on that long wicker chair now, looking at the green mountain and meditating. I don't know what the young master is looking at. I have been looking at the mountain for several years. What is there to see..."

Qingyu kept talking, as if she wanted to confide all the backlogged words to her heart's content, Rong Yun didn't speak, and listened quietly.

Xianyun Valley can't be said to be uninhabited, there are at least two people, a young master and a sapphire.

Xianyun Valley is very big, all the way down, only the sound of birds chirping and sapphire's voice echoed in the valley, which was extraordinarily clear.

Xianyun Valley is surrounded by mountains on all sides, almost isolated from the world, with beautiful trees forming forests, birds singing and flowers fragrant in the valley, grass growing and warblers flying, orchids and grasses, blue waves rippling, silk ribbons blowing embankments, moonlight and wind, it is so beautiful.

There was a long rattan chair under the evergreen tree, and a young man was sitting there. He was wearing a light blue gown, and his hair was not long. Like a crown jade, eyes like bright stars, eyebrows like ink paintings, the lush evergreen trees cover the sunlight, not letting in any light, but he is still full of elegance, with a proud demeanor, transcending the mundane, and has nothing to do with the troubles of the world. Looking at the heavy mountains in the distance, his expression was indifferent and his eyes were silent, no one could peep into his mind.

Hearing voices and footsteps, he frowned slightly, and then continued to look at the green hills in the distance.

"Master, Mr. Rong is here." Qingyu shouted happily.

"Hmm." He responded lightly.

Hearing this, Qingyu hurriedly went into the medicine shed to boil the water, and made a new pot of tea.

Rong Yun walked under the evergreen tree, sat on the rattan chair beside him, glanced at him, and said, "Wushang, long time no see."

Only then did Wushang look at the man, and said indifferently, "Rong Yun, you came all the way from thousands of miles, you didn't just say hello to me, did you?"

Rong Yun's expression was a bit dignified, and there was a bit of sadness between his brows. He didn't know what to say for a while, Wushang is a person who doesn't like to talk, although he has good medical skills, he is a hard-hearted person.

Qingyu finished making tea, served Rong Yun a cup of tea, and replaced Wushang's cup of cold tea with new tea.

"My lord, do you want to let me have dinner here?" Qingyu asked mischievously.

(End of this chapter)

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