Chapter 483
"Whatever." Wushang said calmly.

"Okay then, I'll go pick some mushrooms." Qingyu said with a smile, the young master is very cold-hearted, and will never take the initiative to keep people down for dinner, but the young master is an indifferent person, and he doesn't care about trivial matters, so it doesn't matter, so as long as he asks Yes, the young master usually agrees.

The sun began to slant to the west, the mountains in the distance were a little hazy, and the clouds and mists were slowly gathering.

Both of them are indifferent people, if Rong Yun is Fengxue Aomei, then Wushang is Konggu Youlan.

"Wushang, I'm here to invite you out of the valley and help me cure a person."

"No." There was no surprise in his tone.

Rong Yun wasn't too surprised, he seemed to have expected the answer: "Don't refuse so decisively."

"Okay, you say."

"Within my power, I can unconditionally agree to your request. The world is unpredictable, maybe he can be of use to you, and you just need to go out of the valley and help me heal someone."

Wushang pondered for a while, and said, "I'm not a god, and I can't be cured of any disease."

"I only ask you to go out of the valley to cure people. As for whether the cure is good or not, I will promise you one request."

"Who is it?"

Rong Yun hesitated for a while, then said, "A friend."

Wushang was a little surprised. He remembered that Rong Yun's mother was seriously ill two years ago. Doctor Rong found Xianyun Valley. He originally came to ask his master to go out of the valley to treat people, but at that time the master had already passed away, so Rong Yun asked him to go out of the valley. He refused, but Rong Yun didn't give up. After guarding the valley for three days, he had no choice but to leave the valley, and the two got acquainted like this.

Rong Yun was originally a cold person, he almost didn't care about anything, but this trip was for a friend, which really surprised him, it can only be said that this friend treats Rong Yun differently.

"Tell me about your illness, let me think about it first."

"Actually, it's not really a disease. It's a nightmare. I can't wake up. It's extremely painful when I wake up. I don't remember anything after waking up. I don't even know I'm dreaming. And the attacks are regular, only in June every year." Rong Rong Jun tried his best to describe in detail, he asked Qianxue all these.

"June, June?" Wushang's unchanging emotions were a little moved at this moment.

"It's June, from the beginning of June to the end of June, exactly one month, and it will be fine in July."

"June, June, why is it June? June..." Wushang seemed to be asking, and also seemed to be talking to himself.

"It's in June, what's the problem?" Rong Yun's expression became tense, could it be dangerous in June?
"No problem, since June of what year?"

"I don't know about this level." Rong Yun said, he also asked Qianxue, and even Qianxue didn't know.

"Okay, I will go out of the valley with you tomorrow."

When Rong Yun heard this, he was both surprised and pleasantly surprised. What surprised him was that Wushang agreed so easily, and Wushang almost had no desires or desires. What was the reason for Wushang to agree so easily?

"Wushang, please hide it for me this time. She resists this nightmare very much and doesn't want anyone to mention it, so I want to ask you to stay as a guest temporarily. Don't let her know that you are a doctor. You can only treat it secretly. I I know this is embarrassing for you, I hope you can agree."

"Okay, I'll go back to the medicine hut to prepare first." Wushang readily agreed, and got up and entered the medicine hut after speaking.

Rong Yun was a little surprised, Wushang was very abnormal, Wushang lived in Xianyun Valley since he was a child, and almost never left the valley, he thought such a person was very simple and ignorant of world affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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