Chapter 495
Rong Rong immediately disdained Yi Shuihan's image, she had a seductive face, and she spoke rudely, frivolously and rudely.

Qianxue didn't think anything, but seeing everyone's expressions changed, she said jokingly, "Shuihan, please pay attention to your wording, or you can speak more elegantly."

Yi Shuihan said helplessly: "Well then, beautiful women are rare."

Qianxue nodded, and said with a smile: "The word is elegant, but unfortunately, elegant doesn't match you. What is it called? A dog can't spit out ivory, even if it spits out false ivory."

When everyone heard this, they all laughed.

Yi Shuihan said helplessly: "Of course, I can't spit out ivory, because I'm neither a dog nor an elephant."

Qian Xue said with a smile: "Of course, I was just joking, I know you are a beauty."

Yi Shuihan: "You're not bad either."

Qianxue smiled narcissistically: "I know, you don't need to tell me."

The two chattered for a while, and the atmosphere suddenly became active.

It was already evening at this time, and the lanterns on the colorful boats were lit up, shimmering on the surface of the lake, and there were scattered colorful boats on Jinghu Lake, which looked like stars from a distance.

It was not until the moon was in the sky that everyone returned to Jinlan Garden.


A few days later, the martial arts conference ushered in, and people from all corners of the country rushed in.

Martial arts conference.

The location of this martial arts conference is chosen to be halfway up the Canglang Peak, and there is a wide platform on the halfway up, which is big enough to accommodate the people who come here.

The sun is shining, the sky is clear and the air is crisp, and there is a cool breeze on the peak. From here, you can overlook the endless mountains, overlapping and gloomy.

People from all walks of life came here one after another, and all sects and sects made their debut under the banner of the banner.

Heroes gathered, ambitious.

The arena was built high, the flags were flying, and there was a lot of voices.

"There are a lot of people." Qianxue fanned herself with a cattail fan, her eyes kept wandering.

"The eyes are wandering, what are you looking at?" The master of ceremonies patted Qianxue's head, guessing that Qianxue was looking at the handsome man again.

"You dare to hit me! You want to die!" Qianxue patted the master of ceremonies on the head with a cattail fan, and said viciously, the master of ceremonies became more and more frightened.

The two walked into the meeting place, and the Rong family brothers and sisters had already gone to say hello to their family members.

Yi Shuihan and the others just came to watch, they were not well connected with the Jianghu, and they had no reputation, so it was difficult to find a seat, so they had to stand behind. Fortunately, they all had good eyesight.

But the few people standing here are really eye-catching, handsome men and beautiful women are naturally easy to attract people's attention.

Chengbi's eyes could almost kill, anyone who looked at him, his cold eyes immediately shot that person to death.

Qian Nuo didn't look sideways, but there was a label on his face that strangers should not approach.

Mo Ningxun didn't show any expression. He was standing on Yi Shuihan's left side, and it was a good thing to be watched by Shuihan together.

Wushang was standing on Yi Shuihan's right. Except for Shuihan's eyes, he would choose to ignore everyone else, so he came to see Shuihan, not the martial arts conference. He felt that the martial arts conference was really boring.

"It's very hot, I can't see it, I can't see it!" Qianxue said depressingly. There was a sea of ​​people in front of her. She was not short, but she looked a little short standing among the men.

A few people are indifferent, you can't help if you can't see us, who made you short.

The master of ceremonies said to Qian Xue: "Why don't I find a few bricks for you to step on."

"No need, come with me." Yi Shuihan looked at the sky, the sun was too bright, and looked around, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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