Chapter 496
"Is there a place to sit?" Qianxue hurriedly followed.

A big tree that three people can hug, with old trunks and curly branches, slanting out sideways, it is quite cool under this tree, but the ring is completely invisible.

"Catch the cool?" Qianxue asked suspiciously.

"Qianxue, can you climb up?" Yi Shuihan looked up at the big tree.

"Ah? It should be fine." Qianxue said uncertainly, it turned out that she was sitting on a tree to watch.

"Okay, I'll go up first." Yi Shuihan was quite satisfied with Qianxue's answer, and after speaking, he jumped lightly, grabbed the branch of the tree with both hands, climbed up the tree immediately, and sat on the branch.

Qianxue was a little dazed, so easy?
Yi Shuihan looked at the people under the tree: "Everyone come up."

Wushang immediately jumped up the tree and sat down next to Yi Shuihan. He could clearly see the thoughts of the men below.

Then several people also jumped up the tree, leaving only the emcee and Qianxue, the emcee looked at Qianxue, and waited for her to climb the tree first, because he could easily climb the tree too.

Qianxue was a little dazed, the tree was too strong, there were no branches on the trunk as tall as a person, how could she climb up it?I can't even move while hugging the tree trunk.

Yi Shuihan urged: "Come up quickly, the martial arts conference is about to begin."

Qianxue glared at Yi Shuihan viciously, she knew that Yi Shuihan must have done it on purpose!
"Qianxue, it's not like you can't go up." The master of ceremonies asked, he didn't mean to attack at all.

But Qianxue felt that they were showing off no matter what she heard, and she became even more angry.

Yi Shuihan said: "Qianxue, your kung fu practice for so long has been for nothing."

Qianxue protested loudly: "You all practice internal kung fu with internal strength. I practice external kung fu. It's still half a bucket of water. It's normal that I can't climb up!"

Yi Shuihan said: "How do you know you have no internal strength if you don't try it?"

Qianxue had a bitter face, Yi Shuihan taught her a lot of mental skills, but she didn't even understand one tenth of it, and that one tenth still sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.

The master of ceremonies climbed up the tree first, stretched out his hand, and said to Qianxue: "Qianxue, just give it a try, I'll give you a hand."

There was no other way, Qianxue had no choice but to give it a try, mobilize all what she had learned, gather Qi in her dantian, take a deep breath, and jump up with both feet forcefully.

Finally flying up, Qianxue was pleasantly surprised, but she was too complacent for a while, and couldn't hold it up until she was too high.


It didn't fall as expected, Qianxue's hand was being dragged, and her body was suspended.

Qian Xue was so frightened that her face turned pale. Who was holding her hand, when she looked up, she saw the master of ceremonies looking at her.

"Qianxue, you're a bit heavy, please come up first?" The master of ceremonies looked at her, but she wasn't really heavy, but there were many people watching her.

"Then how did that come up?" Her wrist hurts from being scratched by the master of ceremonies.

"Put your feet on the tree trunk to borrow strength, and I will pull you up." The master of ceremonies said.

"Okay, hurry up, I'm afraid." Qianxue quickly put her feet on the tree trunk to lower the gravity.

"Three two one." The master of ceremonies counted and dragged Qianxue up.

Qianxue tightly hugged the tree branch, half-hanging on the tree branch, now she can see the ground clearly.

The master of ceremonies held her steady and let her sit on a tree branch next to the trunk, and he sat on the outside to support her.

Qianxue breathed a sigh of relief after sitting firmly, hugging the tree trunk next to her, and at a glance, there was a dark crowd in front of her.

Suddenly, Qianxue thought of a rather serious question: "How will I get down later?"

(End of this chapter)

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