Chapter 502
Qian Nuo was taken aback suddenly, as if a secret he had secretly kept was revealed without warning, leaving him at a loss as to how to answer.

Qianxue saw that he was silent, probably it was true, alas, I was so pissed off!What should I do now?She and Shuihan must go.

"Seventh Brother, I'm not afraid to tell you that Shuihan is a very playful person. He lives among thousands of flowers without even touching his body. Your liking for Shuihan is not fruitless, but you have to endure being surrounded by beautiful men, and even be prepared to be surrounded by her." Mentally prepare for dumping, if you really like it a lot, then put it down, stalk it, and move forward bravely."

Qianxue is a bit reluctant, but Yi Shuihan has no interest in Qiannuo, so she doesn't want Qiannuo to be hurt, and now everyone around Yi Shuihan is Qiannuo's strong rival in love, Qiannuo is more reserved, and doesn't know how to deal with feelings Expressed, how can you beat Mo Ningxun, these shameless beasts.

Qiannuo was very tangled in his heart and panicked. Qianxue told him that, Shuihan must have discovered his thoughts, how would he face Shuihan in the future?
"Ahem, Seventh Brother, let me tell you something. In fact, Chengbi is already a Shuihan person." Qianxue said with some embarrassment, "Yi Shuihan, I didn't intend to expose your privacy, but everyone Know.

"...What do you mean?" Qian Nuo's eyes flashed panic.

"It's just..." Qianxue briefly recounted that Yi Shuihan took the beautifying drug at the palace banquet that night.

Qiannuo was silent, heartbroken, that is to say, Shuihan had already admitted Chengbi?Won't accept him again?

Qianxue suddenly remembered something and asked, "Seventh Brother, is Shuihan gentle?"

Qian Nuo was startled, then smiled and said, "Gentleness."

Qianxue was stunned, is Shuihan gentle?Where is the tenderness?Black-bellied and cunning, ruthless and merciless, he has nothing to do with gentleness. If you have to say gentleness, it is cold gentleness. He smiles very gently and speaks very gentlely, but it gives people a gloomy feeling, and the coldness rises from the back.


In the promenade, two people sat, and the light of the lantern stretched their shadows long, just like the scene that night.

"Wushang, I'll leave here soon."

"Okay, I will accompany you wherever you go." Wushang looked at her and smiled.

"But, I never thought of going with you." Yi Shuihan smiled lazily, but the absurdity didn't reach his eyes.

"Why? Shuihan, won't you give me a chance?" Wushang was a little disappointed.

"Okay, tell me everything." Yi Shuihan looked at him, she asked Xueying to investigate Wushang, the result was beyond her expectation, Wushang practiced medicine in Xianyun Valley since he was a child, and almost never left the valley, Just two years ago, he had been out of the valley for a long time, only four months, and he had been treating the owner's wife in Nanlin Villa, so it is logically impossible for Wushang to know 'her'.

"Didn't I say it before, I'll tell you when you fall in love with me, and fall in love with me as soon as you want to know."

"Then we can't talk about this topic, but I will never bring a dangerous person by my side." Yi Shuihan smiled, since using soft ones won't work, then use hard ones.

"Shuihan, I won't hurt you, please trust me." There was a bit of disappointment and pleading in Wushang's eyes.

"Sorry." After finishing speaking, Yi Shuihan got up and left.

Wushang smiled wryly, he knew Shuihan would resist, but it didn't matter, he had plenty of time, and Shuihan was like that at that time, in the end he still held her hand tightly, and this time was no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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