Chapter 503
When Yi Shuihan returned to the door of the room, he saw Mo Ningxun at the door, probably waiting for her?
"Shuihan, come with me." Mo Ningxun looked at her.

The two walked to the gazebo and sat down. There was some fog in the night, and the night was a little hazy.

"What's the matter?" Yi Shuihan looked at him. It is undeniable that Mo Ningxun is extremely handsome, and there is an evil spirit in her body. Even though he restrained herself, she still felt it, and there is also an inborn Extravagance, unlike the people of the quack.

"Do you still remember the IOU?" Mo Ningxun looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

"Well, it's cleared." Yi Shuihan nodded.

"But I didn't agree. Doesn't the IOU say to choose at least one of them? That is, I can choose as many as I want."

"Oh? Do you still want to repay your favor?" She was very happy to accept it.

"Of course, now I decide to follow the third rule." Mo Ningxun laughed.

"Promise with your body?" Yi Shuihan raised his eyebrows. At present, Mo Ningxun is very suitable for her lover's requirements, but Mo Ningxun is the master of the Demon Palace, with a strong background and a domineering person. Her request was a little off.

"Yes, I want to make a promise with my body, do you accept?" Mo Ningxun's smile deepened.

"But, it's impossible for me to stay here for a long time, let alone go with you." Yi Shuihan blinked his eyes, with some dirty thoughts in his heart.

"Then I'll go with you." He had expected this result a long time ago and was prepared for it.

"But, I never thought of going with you." She didn't want to bring so many people with her.

"Then start thinking now." Mo Ningxun said with a smile.

"Okay, let me think about it." Yi Shuihan smiled, lustful, it's not bad to be a temporary lover, but I'm a bit bored recently, besides, Mo Ningxun is easy to dump, he definitely can't leave everything here, Then she can leave gracefully at any time.


The next day, Yi Shuihan was worried about how to say goodbye to Rong Yun, so she went to look for Chengbi first, she still couldn't figure out what Chengbi meant, so she also asked Xue Ying to check Chengbi, except that she knew Chengbi was from Tianshui Kingdom. Outside the Goulan courtyard, the rest can't be found out.

Her body was originally from Xiyue Kingdom or Tianshui Kingdom, so she suspected that Chengbi knew 'her', one Wushang and one Chengbi were enough for her to have a headache.

Now it's a little difficult for her to completely abandon her identity as 'her'. Both Wushang and Chengbi have a purpose in approaching her, so who is 'her'?

"Chengbi, where do you want to go next?"

"Whatever." Cheng Bi casually said while drinking tea.

Yi Shuihan had the urge to kill someone, so he killed Chengbi and Wushang directly, and it was done once and for all, so that she would not know how to die if they stabbed her in the back one day.


When Rong Yu heard that Qianxue was going to leave, she immediately went to keep Qianxue, saying that she was invited to Nanlin Villa as a guest.

Qianxue was taken aback, no wonder Rong Yu cared for her these past few days, facing such a beautiful man, if she hadn't had a journey, maybe she would really agree, but now she can only politely refuse, seeing Rong Yu looking disappointed and hurt She immediately fled in despair.

The master of ceremonies suddenly called out behind Qian Xue: "Qian Xue, what are you doing in such a panic?"

Qianxue was taken aback, and said angrily, "I was scared to death by you, you are a ghost, you walk without sound!"

The master of ceremonies was aggrieved, his footsteps were obvious, and he said aggrievedly: "It's because you were absent-minded, and being frightened means that you have done something wrong."

Qianxue didn't care about arguing with the master of ceremonies, and asked, "When did Shuihan say we're leaving?"

The master of ceremonies said: "Master hasn't said anything yet, what's the matter? Are you in a hurry to leave?"

(End of this chapter)

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