Chapter 505
Chengbi was silent along the way, sometimes reaching out to catch a falling leaf, observing the leaf for a while, and then throwing it away, so that after repeated repetitions, I don’t know how many leaves I picked up, and at the same time I don’t know how many leaves I threw away .

Yi Shuihan and Cheng Bi walked in front, Qian Xue and the master of ceremonies walked behind.

Qian Xue looked at the backs and hair of Yi Shuihan and Chengbi, Chengbi's hair was longer than Yi Shuihan's, and it was very elegant when the wind blew by, which made her envious.

"Chengbi, how do you take care of your hair?" Qian Xue wished she could put Chengbi's hair on her head, it was smooth, shiny and black.

"Clean once every three days." Cheng Bi said.

"It's a lie, I wash it once every three days, and I don't see my hair smooth." Qianxue couldn't believe it, and there was no baking oil or conditioner here, and her hair would be forked as soon as she combed it.

Chengbi didn't speak, he never combed his hair very much, at most he combed it when he went out.

"Shuihan, what about you?" Qianxue asked, Yi Shuihan's hair is not bad, it's just a little short.

"Wash it once every three days, trim it when you have time, and it's gone." Yi Shuihan said.

"No wonder your hair is not long, but as a woman, you should have very long hair." Qian Xue taught like a teacher.

"Long hair is hard to manage. I still want to have short hair, but in order not to become a stranger, I still keep long hair."

Hearing this, Chengbi gave Yi Shuihan a weird look, isn't Yi Shuihan's hair short?Only half the length of his hair.

Suddenly, Yi Shuihan frowned, with a murderous look, but still very strong, could it be aimed at them?

Cheng Bi also frowned, and said, "Woman, did you come to see you?"

Yi Shuihan said helplessly, "How would I know."

The master of ceremonies saw the solemn expressions of the two, and asked, "Master, what happened?"

"Someone is approaching here, the person is not friendly, and the speed is very fast. Master of ceremonies, if the other party is looking for us, you take Qianxue and go first. There is a Changyi Garden on Dongjiu Street, Luohu Town. Wait for me there, Xueying Also there, let Xueying send people to protect you, as for Chengbi, please do what you want."

Chengbi snorted softly: "Are you sure you can handle it?"

Yi Shuihan glanced at him and said with a smile, "Will you stay and help me?"

Chengbi smiled and said, "Of course, I'll stay and help kill you."

Yi Shuihan smiled: "Chengbi, your mouth is very poisonous, but I don't know if your heart is equally poisonous."

Qianxue was almost in a hurry, and now that her brows were on fire, the two of them were still in the mood to flirt: "Shui Han, do you know who this person is?"

Yi Shuihan spread his hands and said seriously: "I don't know, but please prepare your weapons, people will die."

When Qianxue heard this, she was terrified. She had never killed anyone, and she had only seen bloody scenes on TV.

Yi Shuihan frowned, she regretted bringing Qianxue out, no, maybe she made a mistake the moment she brought Qianxue out of Qian's house: "Qianxue, killing people is not terrible, what is terrible is killing people who shouldn't be killed."

"Who said I was scared!" Qianxue said loudly, terrified in her heart, but she couldn't lose her momentum.

"Very well, grab the weapon in your hand and follow the master of ceremonies."

"Can I not leave, I can help too." Qianxue said weakly, it would be too embarrassing and immoral to leave like this.

"No, you will only cause trouble here." Yi Shuihan said sternly, he has already arrived, and there are many experts.

(End of this chapter)

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