Chapter 506
Qianxue regretted that she didn't practice well at the beginning.

Suddenly, a gust of strong wind swept across, blowing the leaves rustling.

More than 20 men in black stood in front of the road, black clothes, masks with ghost patterns, soul hooks, scimitars, long forks, meteor hammers... Almost eighteen kinds of weapons came out.

The murderous aura is rampant, the wind is rumbling, and the grass and trees are all soldiers.

Yi Shuihan felt a little helpless, he met countless killers in just a few months after coming here, and none of them were ordinary killers.

"Who are Yi Shuihan and Qianxue?" the leader in black asked coldly, the voice coming from the ghost mask made people feel creepy.

"What do you want from me?" Yi Shui said coldly.

"Either be obedient and be captured or die." The man in black smiled slyly, looking at Yi Shuihan through the two eye holes of the mask with a pair of cloudy eyes.

"Who wants my life?" To kill her and Qianxue again, could it be Lin Daiyu again?

"You'll see that man after he's captured." The man in black said with a sinister smile.

"What if I say no?" Yi Shuihan smiled.

"Then suffer death." The man in black showed a scimitar, which was covered with strange patterns of evil spirits.

Swish, two soul hooks quickly attacked Yi Shuihan.

"It's death, but you are the one who died."

Before he finished speaking, the golden fan in his hand had already been opened, and as soon as the silk came out, the silver needle seemed to have eyes, and the speed was incredible, and it hit the two men in black who had thrown out the soul hook.

Immediately there were two screams, the left eyes of the two men in black were crippled, the masks were stained with blood, and the evil spirits on the masks looked even more ferocious.

Chengbi winked at the coachman, the coachman understood and threw Chengbi a long sword, then turned the carriage around and turned back.

In an instant, more than 20 men in black swarmed forward, full of murderous intent.

The cold sword in Chengbi's hand had cut through the neck of a man in black, and blood was pouring out immediately.

The golden fan in Yi Shuihan's hand never stopped.

The master of ceremonies' gaze became firm, and he tightly guarded Qianxue behind his back. The Mitsubishi thorn in his hand had pierced the bodies of men in black one after another, and blood splashed on him.

Qianxue clenched her weapon tightly, and told herself in her heart, calm down, if it wasn't for them to die, she would die herself, she was just defending herself, but when she saw the corpses on the ground, her heart trembled again, she hadn't even seen many dead people.

A sword from a man in black stabbed at him, Qianxue was so frightened that her heart almost jumped out, she immediately mobilized the moves she had learned, when a sword was stabbing from the front, raised the sword on the left side, aimed at the enemy and used the sword hand, stab it!

With a clang, the sword in the man's hand fell to the ground.

Qianxue breathed a sigh of relief, and watched the man in black fall to the ground, with a deep wound on his arm, the blood flowed extremely fast, couldn't stop, and his body twitched non-stop.

She killed someone, Qianxue's hands trembled a little, she actually killed someone.

The emcee grabbed Qianxue's hand with one hand, and said, "Qianxue, don't be afraid, if you don't kill them, they will kill you."

Yi Shuihan frowned: "Master of Ceremonies, you and Qianxue go back first, go to Tongcheng Pale Shadow Hall to find a man named Fengying, he will know what to do, hurry up."

"Yes, Master." The master of ceremonies replied.

Qian Xue was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she realized what Yi Shuihan said. Seeing so many people in black, could Yi Shuihan handle it alone?

The master of ceremonies said to Qian Xue: "Don't worry, leave first."

Qianxue was still in shock, and nodded in a daze.

The master of ceremonies helped Qianxue onto the horse, and flicked the whip vigorously, the horse galloped away immediately, the wind whizzed past his face, and a cloud of dust was raised on the mountain road.

"If you want to escape, don't even think about it!" Seeing this, the man in black quickly threw out two meteor hammers.

The golden fan in Yi Shuihan's hand flew out, and after circling in a circle, the throats of the two men in black holding the meteor hammer had been cut.

Cheng Bi drew out her long sword, her eyes became cold, the long sword met the man in black's scimitar, her long hair fluttered, her clothes fluttered, and her stunning face exuded a charming cold, deadly beauty.

All the men in black who wanted to chase the master of ceremonies were blocked by Yi Shuihan, and they either retreated or died.

In just two quarters of an hour, this place has already become a killing field for Shura, with swords meeting each other, wind and clouds, and blood.

(End of this chapter)

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