Chapter 510
Cheng Bi got angrier the more he heard it, that is, last night when he was asleep, he took off his clothes and put wine on him?What else did she do while he was asleep that he didn't know? !
"Don't get angry, the blood will run faster when you get angry." Yi Shuihan saw that he wanted to kill her. Although she was wrong this time, she is trying her best to make up for it.

After cleaning the wound, he sprinkled the medicine powder again, and tore off a few strips of cloth from his inner clothing, soaked them in wine and dried them with internal force, bandaged the wound, pulled up his clothes, and fastened his belts .

"You wait here for a while, I'll go out for a while." Yi Shuihan put on his outer robe, packed his things, took a wooden basin and went out.

Chengbi wanted to ask her where she was going, but in the end she didn't ask, so she got up and put on her clothes, and saw that the blood on the clothes was gone, did the dead woman take off his clothes and wash them? !
Yi Shuihan went to look for food first, and only found some fruits, peaches and plums. The peaches tasted okay, but the plums were too sour.

After that, I went to the stream to wash the fruit, filled a basin of water and went back.

Yi Shuihan was holding a wooden basin, with red fruits floating on the water, shining in the morning sun, and the sun was shining on her body, exuding brilliant colors all over her body.

When Yi Shuihan returned to the cave, he saw that Chengbi had already got up, and he was leaning against the entrance of the cave basking in the sun, his face was a little pale, but his beauty was not compromised at all, on the contrary, it was more morbidly beautiful.

Chengbi saw her coming from a distance, suddenly, he lost his mind for a moment.

"Chengbi, come and eat." Yi Shuihan urged after entering the cave, seeing him still standing motionless at the entrance of the cave and looking outside.

Chengbi frowned, this was very bad, she shook her head, turned back to the cave, and found a clean place to sit down.

"Wipe your face." Yi Shuihan washed a piece of cloth, wrung it dry and handed it to him.

Chengbi frowned again, but still took it, and wiped her face and hands.

"There are peaches and plums, which one do you want?" Yi Shuihan put the whole basin of water and fruits in front of him.

Chengbi looked at it and took a bright red plum.

"Plums are very sour, but peaches are delicious." Yi Shuihan took a bite of a peach, although it was not as delicious as the peaches in the garden of the palace, but it was not bad, it was wild after all.

Cheng Bi took a small bite and immediately frowned, but still swallowed the plum.

Seeing that he was eating so painfully, Yi Shuihan still wanted to eat, so he gave him a peach: "Taste it."

Chengbi glanced at her, took Taozi, this dead woman was so kind to him suddenly, did she feel guilty because he was hurt?

"Chengbi, I'm sorry, I let you suffer with me and hurt you."

Chengbi snorted coldly in her heart, sure enough, if he hadn't been injured because of her, she would never have cared about his life or death.

Yi Shuihan saw that he remained silent with a cold face, so he said again: "Aren't you going to say something?"

Chengbi said nonchalantly, "When are you going to leave here?"

Yi Shuihan: "Don't go now, I don't know where I am now, I don't know how to get out of this forest, I'm waiting here for someone to find us."

Chengbi: "Waiting for someone?"

Yi Shuihan: "My people."

The sun rose a little higher, and the cave was very bright, and the sunlight at the entrance of the cave could be seen shining on the dust in the air.


There have been two groups of people searching in the forest since last night, one group is Fengying people, and the other group is people from Nanlin Villa. After receiving Qingyu's notification, Rong Yu immediately led people to search in the forest. It was time to meet up with Rong Jun and Wushang.

(End of this chapter)

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