Chapter 511
Kazekage originally asked the master of ceremonies and Qianxue to stay in the Pale Shadow Studio, but the two resolutely went together. Knowing the seriousness of the situation, Kazekage did not argue with the two of them, and quickly took people to search, and asked people to investigate the Hell Gate As soon as he took action, he asked someone to notify Xueying to see if Yi Shuihan had returned to Changyi Garden.

The master of ceremonies had already met Rong Jun Wushang, and everyone searched in the woods unanimously, but after searching all night and early morning, they only saw a pool of blood, which already chilled everyone's hearts.

"Will Shuihan be arrested?" Qian Xue turned around anxiously, in case something happened to Shuihan, no, no, Shuihan will be fine.

"I believe there will be news soon, please don't worry, Miss Qian." Feng Ying said, although he said so, he was still a little panicked in his heart, given the martial arts of the pavilion master, he should not be easily captured.

"Qianxue, don't worry, I will definitely find it." Rong Yu comforted.

"Yeah." Qianxue nodded.

Rong Yun and Wushang looked haggard, and the fear in their hearts was getting bigger and bigger. It was already overnight and early in the morning. They originally wanted to ask for someone at the gate of hell, but they were stopped by Kazekage, who said he was from Shuihan People, they can only choose to believe.

Just when everyone was about to collapse, Xue Ying came.

Feng Ying asked: "Xue Ying, how are you doing?"

Xueying said: "The Hell Gate failed this time. All the surviving killers sent out have returned to the Hell Gate, and the young master has not returned to Changyi Garden."

After everyone heard this, they felt relieved, that is to say, Yi Shuihan had escaped and was not captured, so he must be somewhere now.

"That means Shuihan is safe now." Qianxue felt a little relieved.

"It should be, but if Shui Han is injured, it will be troublesome. The most urgent thing is to find Shui Han first." Rong Yun said.

Everyone continued to search, and quickly went deep into the forest. It is daytime, and it is more convenient to search than at night.

It was almost noon at this time, the sun was a little strong, the woods were almost turned over, the birds were frightened and flew away, and the horses trampled all the weeds.


The sun was in the middle of the sky, so the sun could not penetrate into the cave, and the temperature also rose, but it was very cool in the cave.

Seeing that it was already noon, Yi Shuihan said, "Chengbi, do you want to take a nap?"

Chengbi became angry when he heard it, and let him sleep?While he was asleep, this dead woman not only took off his clothes, but also touched him all over!

Yi Shuihan blinked, did she offend Chengbi again?How can I wish I could kill her.

"Chengbi, I see it's time to change the medicine."

"No change!" Cheng Bi said angrily, changing the medicine in only two hours?This dead woman definitely did it on purpose.

"Don't get angry, it's not good for the wound, if you don't change it, don't change it." Yi Shuihan hurriedly said, Cheng Bi is moody, cloudy and sunny, so he can't be offended.

"When will your people come?" Cheng Bi asked.

"I don't know, maybe I won't come. I don't know if Qianxue and the others brought the message with them, and I guess this cave is hard to find."

"That means we are sitting here waiting to die?!" Cheng Bi gritted her teeth.

"You can't say that, it's not a problem to survive here for a few days." She was not worried about going out so rashly to meet killers or wild animals, and she couldn't figure out how to get out of the woods. Channeling wounds are easy to crack.

"You still want to live here?!" Cheng Bi was already dazzled by anger, and she wanted to repeat the scene of waking up this morning? !

(End of this chapter)

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