Chapter 531
Yi Shuihan's expression turned cold when he heard the words, she exists for 'her', she is not 'her', she is a lawyer and killer in the 21st century, her existence is unique, no one can replace her, and she does not Could replace anyone!
"Wushang, no matter whether you knew me before or not, please don't compare the me now with the me before. I am no longer the me before."

Wushang was slightly taken aback, was he too persistent?He has always regarded Shuihan as the previous Shuihan?She is no longer what she used to be?No, no matter how she becomes, she is still her, what changes is only the time and place, as long as his heart remains unchanged.

"Well, I will get to know you anew and accept everything about you anew." Wushang looked at her, since God arranged them afresh, then he would welcome her afresh, maybe it would be better to start afresh, everything is new, new It represents hope.

"No need." Whether Wushang treats 'her' or her, she doesn't need it.

"Why?" Wushang was somewhat frustrated, but he would not give up, he knew that it was not easy to capture Shuihan's heart.

"There is no reason, just like why you insist that I like you, there is no reason!" Yi Shui said coldly.

"There is a reason, because I love you." Wushang looked at her and said word by word.

"Then why do you love me? You love the old me." Yi Shuihan said mockingly.

"I love everything about you, whether it's you before, or you now." Seeing the mockery in her eyes, Wushang felt slightly bitter in his heart, Shuihan didn't believe him at all, and even hated him.

The mockery in Yi Shuihan's eyes became even more serious, and even more sinister. Could it be that she is so similar to 'her'?Wushang is an extremely smart person, and it is not impossible to see the difference between her and the previous "her", so it can only be said that she is very similar to "her", so similar that people cannot recognize it.

"This topic cannot be continued." After finishing speaking, Yi Shuihan turned around and left.

Wushang stood in the same place, watching her go away. He used to look at her back so often, it was exactly the same. She said she had changed. He didn't know if she had changed, but Shuihan remained the same in his memory.


Yi Shuihan went back to her room. On the way, she wanted to throw away the grasshopper. She wouldn't take anything that wasn't given to her, but she didn't know why, so she didn't throw it away in the end.

She went back to the room a little upset, and the grasshopper was lying on her palm. She seldom liked anything, but she did like this grasshopper.

"Shuihan, can I come in?" Qianxue called out from outside the door.

"Come in, the door is unlocked." Yi Shuihan said, she was looking for Qianxue.

As soon as Qianxue came in, she looked at the grasshopper in Yi Shuihan's hand in surprise. It turned out that Wushang found those brown leaves this morning to weave grasshoppers for Yi Shuihan, but Wushang brought back several brown leaves this morning, enough to weave several Ten grasshoppers, did we only make one?
"Show me." Qianxue stretched out her hand to take it, the weave was extremely delicate, she likes such gadgets.

Yi Shuihan moved his hand, Qianxue took it empty.

"I just took a look, and I won't want you." Qianxue was a little surprised. Yi Shuihan probably wouldn't like these gadgets, but at this time, Shuihan is so precious to this grasshopper, so it can only be said that the meaning of this grasshopper is very important. Same as usual.

"What do you want from me?" Yi Shuihan glanced at Qianxue and said, she still wanted to ask Qianxue.

(End of this chapter)

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