Chapter 532
Qianxue looked at Yi Shuihan and smiled ambiguously. Recently, she felt that Qian Nuo didn't seem to be weird anymore, and she no longer radiated air-conditioning unpreparedly. Qian Nuo seemed to be in a good mood. A little bit of joy proves that his heart is extremely happy, and the power of love is really strong.

"What kind of gaze is this?" Yi Shuihan raised his eyebrows.

"Hehe, how is the progress between you and Qiannuo?" Qianxue sat on the chair next to Yi Shuihan, approached Yi Shuihan, and asked with an ambiguous smile.

"What's the progress? I haven't agreed yet." Yi Shuihan said angrily, as if she and Qian Nuo were having an affair.

When Qianxue heard this, her expression sank, Qian Nuo agreed, how dare Yi Shuihan not agree?I really don't know what is good or bad!

"I don't care, you can go on a date with Qian Nuo tomorrow." Qian Xue has already made arrangements, and the relationship can be cultivated, and Shui Han must accept Qian Nuo before Mo Ningxun arrives.

"Date? What will the date be?" Yi Shuihan was puzzled. She hadn't played with dating 800 years ago.

"Spring outing." Qianxue smiled, she had already fantasized about Yi Shuihan and Qian Nuo walking along the riverside holding hands.

"Please, it's summer now." Yi Shuihan stroked his forehead, spring outing?Even elementary school kids don't play with it now.

Qian Xue was embarrassed, why did she even forget that it is summer now, no, no, summer can also be used for swimming, Luohu Town has so many beautiful scenery, so you can swim anywhere, Shui Han and Qian Nuo don’t like the excitement, so they choose a quiet place The place is ready.

"Then where do you want to go?" Qianxue asked, still asking for Yi Shuihan's opinion. As for Qian Nuo, it is estimated that Qian Nuo will go wherever Shui Han wants to go.

Yi Shuihan didn't want to go anywhere at first, but since she wanted to practice qigong and recuperate her body, it would be good to go for a walk: "Is there a mountain with few people, a place with good air and many old trees, preferably a mountain with some ancient and aura. "

"Huh? What are you doing in such a mountain?" Qianxue was puzzled, she thought it would take a lot of talking to coax Yi Shuihan away.

"Absorb the essence of the sun and the moon." Yi Shuihan half-jokingly said.

"Che! You intend to go to such a mountain, you don't want to date Qian Nuo at all." Qian Xue said a little angrily, Yi Shuihan is too ruthless, even taking advantage of such a date opportunity is inhumane!
"Isn't it good to kill two birds with one stone? If you don't want to, then I'll go alone." Yi Shuihan was a little helpless, what did Qian Xue's gaze mean, making her seem to have committed some unforgivable crime.

"Then tell me what are you going to do in such a mountain?" Qian Xue asked, at least let her know, so that she can think about whether she wants to go to Qian Nuo, in case Yi Shuihan rushes to the street when she gets there. Nuo ignored it, didn't Qian Nuo die unjustly and lost.

"It's purely for fun, nothing else." Is her credibility that low?

"I'll trust you for now, and I'll go find out later, there is definitely a mountain suitable for the two of you to visit." Qianxue smiled ambiguously, and Qian Nuo would be very happy to hear it.

"Qianxue, I have something to ask you." Yi Shuihan's face was a little dignified, and his eyebrows were slightly frowned.

"What's the matter?" Qianxue's eyes widened. What's so serious?

"Do you know what kind of person Qian Renxue was before your body?"

"Why are you asking this?" Qianxue was puzzled, she thought it was such a big deal.

"Speak quickly, it's best to be more detailed, and tell everything you know in detail."

"Well, when I woke up, my head was covered with blood. At that time, I was terrified and was being bullied by those servants. When they saw me bleeding, they ran away. Later, I learned that she was often bullied by servants. She couldn't even eat. Can't get enough."

(End of this chapter)

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