Chapter 533
"What about temperament and habits?" Yi Shuihan asked again.

"Here, he's more cowardly and timid. He's gentle and quiet. He can play piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, embroidery, etc. As for habits, he doesn't have any special habits. I know these things, and I don't know much about the rest. .”

"That is to say, she is not similar to you at all?" Yi Shuihan frowned. It is unbelievable that she and Qianxue appear here. Even the appearance, name and temperament are similar, which is really terrible, just like The other self lives in a different space.

"How can it be similar? She and I grew up in different environments, received different education and concepts, how can our thoughts and temperaments be similar?"

Yi Shuihan's frown deepened. She also thought about this problem. It is impossible for two identical people to exist, but how can Wushang explain her well?

"Qianxue, do you have any remaining feelings or memories of her?"

"What do you mean?" Qianxue was puzzled.

"That is to say, you will have certain memories or feelings of her in your mind, and you will naturally know certain things about her."

"How could I know that I have always been me, and I have never been disturbed by her. I clearly know who I am. I am Ji Qianxue, and I have nothing to do with the thoughts of 'Qianxue'." Qianxue said affirmatively.

This made Yi Shuihan even more distressed. She thought so before she met Wushang. When she saw Wushang for the first time, she was shocked. She seemed to know Wushang. Since it wasn't because of 'her', it was herself.

"What happened?" Qianxue's eyes widened. Seeing Yi Shuihan's expression, the situation should be serious.

"I said that I seemed to know Wushang before, and thought he was very familiar. Do you believe me?"

"Che, what's the matter, there are all kinds of wonders in this world, maybe Wushang looks like someone you knew before, or maybe there's something strange about his eyes." Qianxue didn't care.

"No, I knew Wushang the first time I saw him, and he gave me a very strange feeling, I would even be... shocked." Yi Shuihan was a little confused and startled, she had never felt this way before, This feeling made her uneasy, even panicked, it was a feeling that did not belong to her.

When Qianxue heard this, she was a little surprised. Yi Shuihan's heart ached because of a stranger, but also because of Qian Nuo, which didn't make sense!
"You're not in love with Wushang, are you?" Qianxue was a little angry. Wushang's handsome looks are nothing to say, and her temperament is even more extraordinary, but she is a bit cunning. Even so, she is worse than Qian Nuo Far.

"Impossible, I suspect that the remaining feeling of 'her' has disturbed me."

"No, that's too scary." Qian Xue said in shock, as if she had become different from herself, imposing another person's thoughts into it.

"Then what do you want to do?" Qianxue was a little worried.

"Let's find out the original identity of 'her' first."

"Then do you want to be on guard against Wushang? Now that you face Wushang every day, will it arouse the feeling of 'her' left behind?" The more Qianxue thought about it, the more frightened she became.

"Don't worry at this level, 'she' is dead, I can't bring 'her' back to life." Yi Shuihan's eyes flashed a gloomy look, she is her, no one can replace her, God made her reborn, regardless of this Whether the body is her or not, she has to decide.

"Well, be careful yourself." Qian Xue said, it was useless for her to worry, and she believed in Yi Shuihan's ability.

The two chatted for a while, and Qian Xue went back.

Yi Shuihan looked at the grasshopper in the palm of his hand, finally found a box to put it in, and then put the box in the drawer, and threw it away when she no longer liked the grasshopper.

(End of this chapter)

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