Chapter 536
Wushang glanced at Qian Nuo meaningfully, and then answered with a smile: "It's okay, I can't sleep, come out and sit, Shui Han, where have you been? Why did you come back so late?"

Wushang's tone was both caring and weird, and also faintly tinged with disappointment, as if accusing Yi Shuihan.

"I didn't want to come back." Yi Shuihan thought it would be nice to spend the night on the mountain.

Still want to come back? !Wushang's complexion changed, and Rong Yun's complexion was not much better either.

Hearing this, Qian Nuo felt annoyed in his heart. He knew that Shui Han didn't want to come back, so he would not come back with her.

"Where did you go, Shuihan? It actually made you linger." Wushang's tone was extremely weird, with a trace of jealousy.

"It's just climbing the mountain." Yi Shuihan looked directly at Wushang, she had always had a very strange feeling about Wushang, the most frightening thing was that she couldn't understand Wushang.

"Mountain climbing? I know that there is a sparsely populated but beautiful Biyun Mountain in the suburbs. Since the water is cold and you like mountain climbing, I will take you to Biyun Mountain next time." Wushang will never let go of any opportunity.

"I don't think so, I just came back from Biyun Mountain." Yi Shuihan smiled brightly.

Hearing this, Wushang's face changed again, Shuihan would never hurt him like this before.

Yi Shuihan saw that they were all motionless and had no intention of leaving, so she had no choice but to leave: "It's getting late, I'll go back to sleep first."

Qian Nuo didn't speak all the time, Shui Han went back, so he went back together, but before taking two steps, he was stopped by a voice that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Young Master Qian, please stop." Wushang said politely.

Yi Shuihan didn't listen, it turned out that this was their intention not to return to the room.

Qian Nuo looked at Shui Han and saw that she didn't show any expression, and she didn't stop, so should he stop?

"Master Qian, would you like a cup of tea?" Wushang's voice sounded again.

Qian Nuo had no choice but to stop and enter the front hall.

Yi Shuihan didn't even turn his head, and didn't call her, she wasn't interested in knowing what they were talking about.

There were only three men left in the front hall, their lights were shining coldly, and their powerful auras were competing.

Rong Yun's face was cold, and he looked at Qian Nuo with complicated eyes. Shui Han once lied to him for Qian Nuo, but now Shui Han and Qian Nuo are getting closer, obviously he was the one who knew Shui Han earlier. A little depressed, but helpless.

Wushang's eyes did not conceal hostility and coldness. Although Qian Nuo was a rival in love, it was undeniable that Qian Nuo was quite outstanding, with outstanding appearance, strong martial arts, and a wealth of money. Can't fall in love with Qian Nuo!
"What's the matter?" Qian Nuo looked indifferent, he was very grateful to Rong Yun for killing Qian Jiuqu and saving him and Shuihan, but it didn't mean he would give in before love.

"What's the relationship between you and Shuihan now?" Wushang asked bluntly and sharply.

"I don't need to inform you, Mr. Wushang." Qian Nuo's face turned a little cold. He has always been indifferent to Wushang, and he doesn't know what relationship he has with Shuihan.

"Hmph, I can't rest assured that Shuihan will make friends with someone who doesn't know what kind of person he is." Wushang snorted coldly, speaking with confidence, mocking Qian Nuo's behavior both openly and secretly.

Rong Yun took a look at Wushang, he never knew that Wushang was so treacherous, Wushang used to be indifferent to everything, watching with cold eyes, absolutely not in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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