Chapter 537
Qian Nuo's eyes were cold, Wushang cared too much about Shui Han, as if he had an unusual relationship with Shui Han, and he was like an outsider.

"Shui Han will see what kind of person I am." After finishing speaking, Qian Nuo left.

Wushang felt unwilling, a struggle flashed in his eyes, the arrogance just now was gone, Qian Nuo's sense of threat to him was getting bigger and bigger, he was afraid that Shui Han would really fall in love with Qian Nuo.

"Wushang, you don't need to question Qian Nuo's behavior." Rong Jun reminded, and then left.

Wushang laughed, he didn't have Rong Yun's integrity, because Rong Yun hadn't experienced loss yet.


Early the next morning, Qianxue came to ask Yi Shuihan how he was doing yesterday.

"Very good." Now she feels that she is in excellent physical condition at the moment, so she chooses a day with a peaceful mood to practice and break through her skills.

"Hee hee, since you all think it's good, then Qian Nuo must think it's great, why don't I arrange for you to go out again." Qianxue is like a salesman who is very enthusiastic about selling products.

"No need, don't come up with any more ideas, I've been a little busy recently." Yi Shuihan waved his hand, as long as Qian Xue didn't make trouble.

"Huh? What are you busy with?" Qianxue's eyes widened with confusion.

"Stop gossiping, go to practice kung fu when you have time, if you don't break through in kung fu, you can only stay here forever." Yi Shuihan found an excuse to prevaricate.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll go right away." Qianxue slipped away like a puff of smoke, it turned out that she delayed the trip.

Yi Shuihan was refreshed and walked around the courtyard.

"Shuihan, are you free?" Wushang came and asked, seeing that she was in a good mood.

"What's the matter?" Yi Shuihan liked everyone today, but Wushang was the only one who resisted her.

"The weather is nice today, let's go for a walk." Wushang knew that she was a restless person, so he did what she liked.

"Not going out." Yi Shuihan coldly refused, today she wants to cultivate her mind and character.

"Then let's take a walk in the courtyard." Wushang had no choice but to settle for the next best thing.

"Don't use the word us, I'm not familiar with you yet." Yi Shuihan couldn't hear it well. Wushang had too many secrets, and his identity was too mysterious. She couldn't develop a good impression of him.

Hearing this, Wushang looked sad.

"Thank you very much for treating Cheng Bi's injury. Cheng Bi's injury is almost healed. How much is the consultation fee?" Yi Shuihan couldn't understand what he meant.

Wushang's face changed slightly, did Shui Han mean to let him go?The meaning of his existence is Chengbi healing wounds?What is Chengbi?Isn't it just a duck for sale!
Seeing his silence, Yi Shuihan felt annoyed, as if she had bullied him.

"Since you don't want a consultation fee, you can offer other conditions within my ability." Yi Shuihan said again.

"I don't think so, I won't negotiate terms with you, I'm sorry." Wushang turned and left, his back was lonely and sad.

sorry?sorry for what?What are you sorry for me? !Yi Shui was extremely cold, his innocent posture made her very uncomfortable!


Three days later, Yi Shuihan asked someone to buy a lot of ice and put it in the room in the afternoon, and prepared two large buckets of water.

She is going to practice tonight, and she has found the essentials last time. If there is no accident, she should be able to break through tonight.

After dinner, Yi Shuihan went for a walk for a while, and then went back to his room to take a shower and cleanse himself, to recuperate his body and mind, and get rid of distracting thoughts, so that he would get twice the result with half the effort.

(End of this chapter)

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