Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 541 Peach Blossom Dance 05

Chapter 541 Peach Blossom Dance 05
"He told me last night that he would go out this morning!" Yi Shuihan was furious, gnashing his teeth.

"Ah? Is that so, then did he say when he will be back?" Qian Xue was still worried.


"Okay then, by the way, Shuihan, what are you doing in your room? Wake up and stay up." Qianxue asked suspiciously, Yi Shuihan didn't seem like he would stay in bed.

"I want to practice, and now I'm interrupted by you!"

"Oh, oh, then I'll go first, you must not go crazy." After finishing speaking, Qianxue hurriedly left, she was really guilty of interrupting Shuihan's practice.

Yi Shuihan breathed a sigh of relief, stealing love wasn't that dangerous.

Qiannuo was a little tangled in his heart, and kept looking at her. Now that the sky is bright, he could faintly see the hickey marks on her neck, which belonged to him. He and Shuihan had a very close relationship, but why did he still feel that Shuihan far away from him.

"Good morning." Yi Shuihan got up, smiled at him, and then took the clothes beside the bed and put them on.

"Good morning, Shui Han." Qian Nuo's eyes flickered, and he quickly took his clothes and put them on.

Yi Shuihan hurriedly got out of bed, took the clothes and changed behind the screen, put on the clothes and took a picture in front of the mirror, when he saw her, he wanted to hit the wall, the hickey marks on her neck were obvious, why would Qian Nuo like to kiss her neck?
Yi Shuihan then went to the cupboard and took out a cold ointment and applied it on, and then put on an ointment that was similar to his skin color to cover it up, it was almost the same.

Qian Nuo was already dressed, seeing her wrapped around her neck, looking distressed, he regretted kissing Shui Han's neck, and immediately felt embarrassed.

"Xiao Nuo, you go back first." Yi Shuihan walked over, and now let Qian Nuo leave while everyone was having breakfast in the front hall.

Qian Nuo was a little bit reluctant, he suddenly remembered the purpose of coming to find Shui Han last night, should we say it now?

Yi Shuihan sees his tangled look, is it difficult for him to go back?In case someone saw Qian Nuo leaving her room early in the morning, she would not be able to wash herself away by jumping into the Yellow River.

"Xiao Nuo, what's the matter?" Yi Shuihan asked as gently as possible.

Qian Nuo looked at her affectionately, his eyes were bright, and his voice was full of tenderness: "Shuihan, I like you."

Yi Shuihan blinked his eyes, was it a confession?It's a pity that she doesn't like this, but she still said with a smile: "I like you too."

She really likes Qian Nuo, Qian Nuo is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, burns like fire, and is sometimes very cute.

When Qian Nuo heard it, he felt infinite joy in his heart, and his eyes became brighter. It turned out that Shui Han also liked him, and made him worry for so long. Now that he heard this sentence, everything was worth it.

"Xiao Nuo, you go back first." Yi Shuihan continued to resort to gentle countermeasures.

"Okay." Qian Nuo smiled and nodded, guessing that Yi Shuihan would be willing to do whatever he asked him to do now.

Yi Shuihan opened the door and looked outside, seeing no one let Qian Nuo out, and locked the door after Qian Nuo left, so that no one could see the mark on her neck.


In the front hall, a few people saw that only Qianxue came back, and they felt a little suspicious, what about Shuihan?The strangest thing is that Qian Nuo never showed up.

"Shuihan said she's not hungry, so we don't have to wait for her." Qianxue sat down, took her chopsticks and started to eat breakfast.

Chengbi and the others picked up the chopsticks with different expressions, they didn't know what to eat for a while, and they were not thinking about this breakfast.

"Where's Qian Nuo?" the master of ceremonies asked, she didn't see Qian Nuo in the morning, so Qian Xue would definitely ask Qian Nuo for breakfast.

"Shui Han said that Qian Nuo has gone out." Qian Xue said while eating the steamed stuffed bun.

(End of this chapter)

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