Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 542 Peach Blossom Dance 06

Chapter 542 Peach Blossom Dance 06
Chengbi and the others felt even more strange, where could Qian Nuo go?What Qian Xue said was: "Shuihan said that Qian Nuo went out." 'That is to say, only Shuihan knew that Qian Nuo had gone out, and even Qianxue's own sister knew about it through Shuihan.

"Then where did Qian Nuo go?" the master of ceremonies asked, he just asked casually, and didn't have such deep thoughts like Wushang and the others.

"I don't know, and Shui Han doesn't know either. Speaking of it, I'm a little worried, where can Qian Nuo go?" Qian Xue frowned, thinking about it, she couldn't even eat breakfast peacefully.

"Have you seen Shui Han?" Rong Yun asked.

"No, I yelled outside the door. She said she was going to practice and asked me not to disturb her, so I left quickly." Qian Xue stuck out her tongue.

Several people always felt a little strange when they heard the words, but Qianxue's words were reasonable and there was nothing wrong with it. Could it be that Shui Han went on a date with Qian Nuo again, and they knew something in their hearts, so they didn't ask any further questions, and went to find out after dinner. You will know as soon as you find out, and eat breakfast in silence.

The breakfast was over hastily, there was still a lot of food on the table that hadn't been touched, and Yi Shuihan and Qian Nuo didn't come again.

It's really shameful for Qian Xue to despise a few people and waste food.

After breakfast, Qianxue decided to go back to her room to practice. Yi Shuihan still needs to practice even though he is so good, so she can't be lazy.

When passing by Qian Nuo's room, she saw a figure inside, did she see it right?Didn't Qian Nuo go out, someone slipped into Qian Nuo's room.

"Who's in there?" Qianxue knocked on the door and asked cautiously.

"... Tenth sister?" Qian Nuo hesitated for a long time before saying calmly.

When she heard Qian Nuo's voice, Qian Xue felt very strange. She had been in the front hall just now, and she could see the gate from the front hall, but she never saw Qian Nuo come in. When did Qian Nuo come back?

"Brother Seven, didn't you go out?" Qianxue asked suspiciously, and poked forward, intending to go in to see Qian Nuo.

"Yes, I just came back." Qian Nuo said somewhat unnaturally.

"When did you come back? I haven't seen you in the front hall just now?" Qian Xue was even more puzzled.

"I came in through the back door, it's closer." Qiannuo was very nervous, Shuihan didn't tell Qianxue about their relationship, worried that Shuihan would not like it, so he still didn't want to tell Qianxue the truth.

"Oh, Brother Seven, have you had breakfast yet? There's a lot left over from breakfast today." Qianxue asked, there were two people missing for breakfast today, plus the other people's appetites were poor, so there was a lot of food left.

"...I've already eaten it." Only then did Qian Nuo realize that it was so difficult to tell such a lie, so hard to tell.

"Then I'm leaving, so I won't disturb you, Seventh Brother." After finishing her sentence, Qianxue left, a little suspicious in her heart, why did she think Qian Nuo was weird, maybe Qian Nuo had always been weird, could it be that she was overwhelmed .


This time Chengbi left the front hall first, and walked towards Yi Shuihan's room. Unexpectedly, Wushang's face was very thick, and he followed him for granted, and by the way, Rong Yun also went with him. Shang and Rongjun followed Chengbi, but the three of them were heading in the same direction.

Cheng Bi was so angry that his seven orifices were full of smoke, but he was only angry in his heart, without showing any emotion on his face, secretly scolding Wushang and Rong Jun for their shamelessness, they would not restrain themselves at all, their thick skins were so thick that they angered others!
Knock, knock, a knock on the door came into the room.

(End of this chapter)

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