Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 552 Peach Blossom Dance 16

Chapter 552 Peach Blossom Dance 16
"Then Seventh Brother, do you love Shuihan?" Qianxue already has the answer in her heart, but she still asks to confirm, Qiannuo is indifferent, it is difficult for this kind of person to like something, and once he likes it, it is difficult to change .

"Love, love very much." Qian Nuo said lightly, his love is very simple, he can see Shui Han every day, and he doesn't know how much love it is.

Qianxue curled her lips, guessing that Qian Nuo fell in love with Yi Shuihan badly, and Yi Shuihan was too lucky to be loved by her most handsome seventh brother. To love her badly? !What is the law of heaven!
"Seventh brother, actually liking and loving are different."

"Why is it different?" A trace of panic flashed in Qiannuo's heart. Shuihan said that she liked him too, that is to say, Shuihan also loved him. Otherwise, how could he...be married to him? Thinking of this, his heart felt heavy again. Jump violently.

"How should I say it?" Qianxue thought for a while, and then said: "For example, if a person likes a cup, and suddenly this cup is taken away by others or disappears one day, that person will only feel regretful or sad for a while. I will forget it soon, and then look for a new cup; if that person loves this cup, even if the cup is broken, that person will pick up the pieces and store them well. No matter how many new cups there are in the future, it will not Throw away the shards of that cup, that's love."

Qian Nuo was startled, and the panic in his heart continued to expand. Could it be that he is the dispensable cup?All the joy this morning disappeared because of Qianxue's words.

"Brother Seven, think about it carefully. I'm going back first. If you have any questions, you can come to me. Your little sister is a master of love." Qianxue is not at all humble. Don't bother, go back to take a shower and sleep.


The next day, the sky was clear, the sky was cloudy, and the breeze was breezy. It was a good day for traveling.

Early in the morning, before breakfast, Yi Shuihan approached Wushang, and she wanted to ask some questions.

Wushang was very surprised and excited, Shui Han took the initiative to come to him, this kind of surprise caught him unexpectedly, the joy came so fast, he even felt a little unreal, Shui Han was standing in front of him, it was so beautiful , is more beautiful than before, he would rather Shuihan be ordinary, maybe this will reduce some mad bees and butterflies, and make him feel that Shuihan is not worthy of Shuihan, so ordinary is the best.

"Wushang, how is Chengbi's injury?"

"..." Wushang's expression froze, the joy just now dissipated without a trace, the bitterness in his heart was even bitterer than Huang Lian, Shuihan actually came to ask him about other men?He felt like his wife was asking him: How is my lover's injury?
"Aren't you okay?" Yi Shuihan saw that he didn't speak, so she asked again, she remembered that Chengbi's wound was not very deep, it should have healed after so long, she didn't dare to ask Chengbi, lest Chengbi think she was Coveting his beauty.

"It's already much better." Wushang immediately recovered his smile, he had to bear it!He is personable, broad-minded, and friendly to everyone. Of course, this side will only show in front of Shui Han.

"okay, thank you."

"You're welcome." Wushang smiled, he almost exhausted his words so he squeezed out all his strength, healed his lover's wounds, and he said no thanks, is there such a generous husband in this world?Of course, there was none, so Chengbi, he wrote it down again!
(End of this chapter)

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