Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 553 Peach Blossom Dance 17

Chapter 553 Peach Blossom Dance 17
Then Yi Shuihan left, she was thinking that Chengbi's injury is almost healed, it's not good to be bored here all day, today's weather is fine, she wants to go for a walk with Chengbi, where should I go?
Wushang froze again, the smile on his face was gone, Shuihan didn't look him in the eye, just walked away?He felt as if his wife had come to tell him: I'm going to meet my lover.


After breakfast, Yi Shuihan went to ask the housekeeper what places to visit in Luohu Town. In order to benefit the patient, he finally decided to go for an outing in the western suburbs.

Yi Shuihan approached Chengbi and saw him taking scissors and trimming the potted flowers and plants by the window, why didn't she know that Chengbi would have such an elegant mood.

Seeing her coming, Chengbi didn't speak, continued to trim, and waited for her to speak, but after waiting for a long time, she still didn't speak, he was a little annoyed, and almost cut off all the leaves of the plant in the pot.

The corner of Yi Shuihan's mouth twitched, she wanted to wait for Chengbi to finish pruning before speaking, but did Chengbi understand pruning?A good plant was cut bare by him, and the green leaves fell all over the place.

"Ahem, Chengbi, don't cut it, there are no leaves left." Yi Shuihan coughed twice, she really didn't want to hurt Chengbi, but the plant was too horrible to look at.

"What do you want from me?" Cheng Bi dropped the scissors, her tone was not very good, this damn woman was finally willing to talk!

"The weather is nice today, why not go out for a walk." Yi Shuihan looked out the window.

"Where are you going?" Cheng Bi raised her eyebrows, what kind of tricks is this dead woman playing?
"How about outing in the western suburbs?"

"Why?" Chengbi glanced at her, and went outing in the western suburbs for no reason?Did this woman take the wrong medicine?
"What kind of eyes are you looking at? I just saw that your injury is about to heal. It's not good to be bored here. I just want to go out with you and have no other intentions." Yi Shuihan said with gritted teeth, she Is it that unbelievable?

When Chengbi heard this, her face softened a little, did she care about him?But he may not accept it, "Who is there?"

"Just you and me." Yi Shuihan said, who else could there be, the fewer people the better.

Cheng Bi's face softened a bit, since this woman really has a heart, he reluctantly accepted, "When will I go?"

"Just today, right now."

"Okay then, you go out and wait for me for a while." Chengbi looked at the door.

Yi Shuihan was taken aback, and left the room helplessly, what kind of world is this? !To make her wait for a man? !There have always been only men waiting for her!Chengbi really doesn't know what to do!When she tames Chengbi one day, she will teach him a lesson!

After waiting for about half an hour, Cheng Bi came out.

Yi Shuihan looked at him, it was still the same clothes and hairstyle as before, she suspected that Chengbi deliberately made her wait for half an hour in vain!

"Did you leave?" Chengbi glanced at her.

"Let's go." Yi Shuihan responded, cursing secretly in his heart, what a Chengbi you are, with such an arrogant tone!
The two walked side by side, it was definitely the most beautiful scenery in the corridor, with fluttering clothes and light hair, they were absolutely glamorous.

Wushang watched the two walking side by side, and the jealousy in his heart immediately rose, but with a slight smile on his face, he came to the two of them and said with a smile: "Shui Han, where are you going?"

"Go for a walk." Yi Shuihan had a bad feeling.

Chengbi's face immediately turned gloomy, he had already guessed Wushang's intention, he was shameless!
(End of this chapter)

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