Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 579: Birthday Feast 03

Chapter 579: Birthday Feast 03
The next day, after Qianxue went out, Jinlanyuan became busy, and even bought Kongming lanterns for the evening.

Everyone put their names on the prepared gifts and put them in Qianxue's room.

Rong Rong prepared a new set of clothes and some headgear for Qianxue, and asked Qianxue to change them when she came back.

Qianxue loves sweets, so more than ten types of pastries have been prepared for the banquet tonight. It is estimated that Qianxue can fill her stomach with a piece of each.

In the afternoon, Qianxue and the master of ceremonies came back early. The front hall was full of people, but why did everyone feel a little weird today, as if they were dressed very beautifully.

Qianxue looked at Yi Shuihan suspiciously, yesterday she forgot to ask them why they came back early.

Rong Rong got up and pulled Qianxue over, and said with a smile: "Qianxue, follow me to my room, I bought a new set of clothes yesterday and it doesn't fit, you can try it to see if it fits."

Qianxue was a little dazed: "Huh? I'm about the same shape as you. If you don't fit me, I shouldn't fit either."

"Try it first, come with me." Rong Rong pulled Qianxue away without any explanation.

The master of ceremonies was confused, he seemed to have missed something: "Master, what happened?"

"Today is Qianxue's birthday."

"What? Master, why didn't you tell me earlier?!" The master of ceremonies complained a little, guessing that the master did it on purpose, and he didn't prepare any gifts.

"You didn't ask me again."

The master of ceremonies wanted to cry, but he knew that the master was playing tricks on him on purpose, so forget it, he had better hurry to prepare a gift.

The butler hurriedly ordered the servants to hang up the lanterns, moved the table to the front yard, and brought cakes, fruits, fragrant tea and wine from the kitchen.

After Rong Rong brought Qianxue to the room, she took a bath, tried on clothes, and dressed for more than half an hour.

Qianxue looked in the mirror and was terribly surprised. She had been in this time and space for so long, and she had never been dressed so grandly.

She combed a popular flying star chasing the moon, and inserted a lavender hairpin obliquely, which looks casual but elegant. There is also a red plum painted between her eyebrows. It is said that this is called plum blossom makeup. She is wearing a rose red The long dress with wide sleeves and tassels, jingle rings, and embroidered plum blossom petals on the skirt corners, the whole person looks beautiful and generous, with hopeful and radiant cheeks.

"Hehe, Qianxue, you are so beautiful dressed like this, and you look like a lady from a famous family. You are already beautiful, but with such a dress, alas, it puts me in comparison."

"Rong Rong, how can I go out when you dress me up like this?" Qianxue had a bitter face, although she said that women love beauty, but the beauty that is deliberately overdressed is showing off, and who is she dressing like this for?

"What's the matter? I think it's very suitable to wear this way, it's getting dark, let's go out for dinner." Rong Rong went over and took Qianxue's hand, and led Qianxue out.

"No, no, let me change my clothes first, and take off the makeup, otherwise I will scare people when I go out." Qianxue reached for the hairpin on her head as she said.

Rong Rong hurriedly stopped Qianxue, grabbed Qianxue's hand and refused to let her take it: "Don't, don't, today is a good day, don't you see that everyone is dressed very grandly?"

Qianxue looked at Rong Rong suspiciously, and said, "What day is today? I just find it strange."

Rong Rong smiled and said: "You will find out in the front hall, let's go, don't delay the time."

Qianxue still felt a little awkward, and said hastily: "Then I can't dress like this, I don't dress so grandly during Chinese New Year."

(End of this chapter)

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