Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 580: Birthday Feast 04

Chapter 580: Birthday Feast 04
Rong Rong pulled Qianxue out of the door: "It's not grand at all, and I'm not dressed more simply than you."

Qian Xue looked at Rong Rong. Rong Rong only wore plum blossom makeup one less than her. She was wearing a water green gauze dress, her hair was also beautifully combed, and she also wore an emerald green necklace.

But Rong Rong wears green, she wears rose red, isn't it like green leaves setting off red flowers, she doesn't want to be the focus.Besides, I saw that the people in the front hall were not dressed as grandly as her, wouldn't it seem that she was presumptuous.

Qianxue thought about it, and she was almost there in a few steps. She wanted to turn back and change clothes. It was just dark at this time, and the front yard was full of lanterns, and the table was full of delicious food. Everyone gathered around and chatted. Laughing.

"It's only the beginning of August, isn't it the Mid-Autumn Festival?" Qian Xue turned to look at Rong Rong and asked.

"What Mid-Autumn Festival? Do you have this festival in Ningcheng?" Rong Rong asked suspiciously.

"Ah? No, but what festival is it in Tongcheng today?" Qianxue laughed twice, almost forgetting that there is no Mid-Autumn Festival here.

"It's not our Tongcheng festival, it's your festival." Rong Rong pulled Qianxue to the courtyard.

Qian Xue was stunned, her holiday?Could it be that today is the twelfth of August, her birthday, she herself forgot, maybe Qian Nuo remembered that Qian Nuo would give her some small things for her birthday in the past two years, it is a coincidence, although she and 'Qian Xue' Different ages, but the same birthday.

"The protagonist is here." Rong Rong pulled Qianxue to the front of the crowd.

Qianxue's attire is eye-catching, she is more ladylike than a lady, but she is not quiet at all, she is lively and lively, especially her black and white eyes, flickering, but she is a little stunned at this moment.

"Qianxue, don't stand still, today is your great day, you can choose any beauties here." Yi Shui said coldly, enlivening the atmosphere.

Swish, a few dissatisfied eyes fell on Yi Shuihan.

"I was very moved at first, but the moment you opened your mouth, you dispelled all my emotions." Qianxue gave Yi Shuihan an angry look, and it must have been Yi Shuihan's idea that all the staff kept it from her.

"Oh, I didn't expect me to be so charming." Yi Shuihan said in feigned surprise.

When everyone heard this, they all laughed.

Qianxue was deeply moved, there were relatives, friends, and the same kind as Yi Shuihan here, she really wanted to tell her father, mother, and brother that she was living a good life, so don't be sad for her.

"Thank you for hosting my birthday party, I am very happy..." Qianxue looked at the crowd, she was at a loss for words when she said this, she didn't know what to say, and even thousands of words could not express the emotion in her heart.

"Come on, it's getting dark, sit down quickly, or we'll have to look up at you." Yi Shuihan joked.

When everyone heard the words, they laughed again, Shui Han was so humorous.

Qianxue gave Yi Shuihan an angry look, she still didn't forget to tease her at this moment, but she was really happy in her heart, she lifted her skirt and sat down graciously.

The master of ceremonies sat next to Qianxue, pushed the whole plate of birthday buns in front of Qianxue, and said with a smile, "Qianxue, eat birthday buns first."

Qianxue was stunned when she saw it. It was a plate of birthday buns, but there was only one birthday bun, which was as big as the plate: "Wouldn't it make me sick to eat it?"

The master of ceremonies said: "Don't say that you can't die on your birthday. I'm also curious who made the birthday bag so big, but it's unlucky if you don't eat it. Qianxue, you should eat it."

(End of this chapter)

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