Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 593: Birthday Feast 17

Chapter 593: Birthday Feast 17
"Rong Jun, are you sick?" Yi Shuihan looked at him and saw that his expression was not right. She walked past Rong Jun just now, but Rong Jun didn't see her. Could it be that her sense of presence is too low?
"No, no." Rong Yun's eyes flickered, and his heart was in trouble.

"It's fine if you don't, then I'll go first."

"Shuihan." Rong Yun didn't care about his reserve, and quickly called her to stop.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Yi Shuihan looked at him and asked.

"Yes..." Rong Yun hesitated to speak, he was embarrassed to say it, and saw Shui Han's calm look, as if he didn't take that matter seriously, seeing this, he felt remorse in his heart, But more is lost.

"You might as well speak up if you have something to say." Yi Shuihan said, Rong Yun is not a slow talker, so why is he slowing down now?

"It's Wushang, why did he leave?" Rong Yun thought hard for a while, but still didn't say anything, and asked, shifting the question.

"I don't know. You and him are good friends. I thought you knew." Yi Shuihan pretended to be surprised. In fact, she wanted to ask Rong Yun about the reason for Wushang's departure. Rong Yun didn't remember what happened last night. That's why Rong Yun asked such a question now, that is to say, Rong Yun didn't know the reason.

Rong Yun and Wushang can be regarded as good friends. If Wushang leaves, at least he will say goodbye to Rong Yun. Wushang left suddenly without explaining the reason to Rong Yun.So to sum up the above: Wushang left without saying goodbye because of the estrangement between Rong Yun and what happened last night.

This conclusion made her feel a little more at ease. She was afraid that Wushang had other thoughts before. Wushang told the butler that he was going back to Xianyun Valley. Unfortunately, the location of Xianyun Valley is not easy to find. Did Shang really return to Xianyun Valley?

"I thought you knew too." Rong Yun said a little disappointed. Leng Jian said that he forced Wushang and Mo Ningxun away last night. He didn't really believe it, but Wushang didn't say goodbye to Shuihan. There are only two possibilities for leaving, one is that Wushang gave up on Shuihan; the other is that Wushang has urgent matters and there is no time to say goodbye.

He hoped that Wushang left because of the former, but based on his understanding of Wushang, it was definitely because of the latter. Wushang used to hate the world, was indifferent, and the ruthlessness in his eyes wished to destroy the world. Change without regret.

He still remembered that Wushang once said: I don't care about you and Shui Han, no matter who is around Shui Han, and whether Shui Han loves me or not, but I am destined to be entangled with Shui Han in my life.

It was this sentence that almost defeated him, and he even had the thought of shrinking back, but in the end he was still reluctant, perhaps from the first time Qingluan Peak saw her, it was doomed that he would never part with her in his life.


The next day, at noon, Yi Shuihan told the housekeeper to go out to do some errands. She would go there for about two days, but she didn't say goodbye to Qian Nuo and the others. She was worried that Qian Nuo would follow and even check her whereabouts, so It's better not to say.

Qiannuo was angry and worried when he learned about it. He was angry because Shuihan didn't explain the reason to him, and worried because he was afraid that Shuihan would do something dangerous, so he secretly sent someone to investigate Shuihan.

The more Rong Yun thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. It was very strange for Wushang to leave without saying goodbye, even for Shuihan, he always felt that something bad was about to happen.

After Chengbi heard this, she just curled her lips coldly, and in the afternoon, she only confessed to the housekeeper and left Jinlan Garden.

(End of this chapter)

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