Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 594: Birthday Feast 18

Chapter 594: Birthday Feast 18
Rong Yu and Rong Rong saw that the people in Jinlan Garden had left in disorder, only the two brothers and sisters from the Qian family were left, and Qianxue would go out during the day, so Jinlan Garden was also empty for a while.

Seeing that Rong Yun hadn't been back to Nanlin Villa for several months, and only met his parents at the martial arts conference, Rong Yu urged Cui Rongjun to go back to Nanlin Villa, and his parents missed him very much.

After hearing this, Rong Yun felt ashamed, so he agreed. After thinking about it, he still felt that he should say goodbye to Qian Nuo.Qian Nuo was also involved in what happened last night, presumably Qian Nuo hated him very much, so should I explain it to Qian Nuo?

In fact, he doesn't want to explain it selfishly. He would rather be misunderstood by Qian Nuo and others about what happened the night before. It's a bit despicable for him to think this way, and he feels ashamed, but he can't help being so selfish, thinking about it and worrying about losing it Shuihan's reputation made him even more afraid that Shuihan would discover his ugly side. After thinking hard for a while, he finally decided to explain to Qiannuo.

"Young Master Rong, can you take a step to speak?" Qian Nuo said lightly.

"Master Qian, please." Rong Jun was a little surprised, did Qian Nuo have something to say to him?Speaking of which, Qian Nuo was indifferent and reticent on the surface, but he was much more moral than Mo Ningxun and the others, at least he would not play tricks secretly, he was really ashamed.

Qian Nuo's expression was calm. Although he was jealous in his heart, it was undeniable that Rong Yun was extremely outstanding. Rong Yun knew Shui Han earlier than him, and fell in love with Shui Han earlier. Not targeting him was considered righteous, and he also knew that the pain in Rong Yun's heart would not be less than his, and his love for Shui Han would not be less than him.

Speaking of which, Rong Yun saved his and Shui Han's lives. If Rong Yun hadn't appeared in time for that confrontation with Qian Jiuqu in the forest, maybe he would have died in Huangquan, and Shui Han would have been implicated. I have lingering fears.

"Master Rong, do you know why Shui Han left?"

"I don't know, I was just going to ask Mr. Qian." Rong Yun was a little worried, Shui Han didn't even tell Qian Nuo, so Qian Xue probably didn't know, then what Shui Han was going to do must be very secret, even dangerous.

Hearing this, Qian Nuo didn't know whether to be happy or sad, Shui Han didn't even tell Rong Yun, which means that he and Rong Yun have the same status in Shui Han's heart, but now he would rather Shui Han tell Rong Yun, Shui Han He was really worried that Han was missing.

"Young Master Rong, although Shuihan also likes you, Shuihan also accepts me, I hope you can understand." Qian Nuo said solemnly, no matter whether Rongjun can accept it or not, he will never leave Shuihan.

Rong Yun was stunned when he heard that, Shui Han also likes him?After he realized it, he was overjoyed, but after thinking about it, did Qian Nuo misunderstand?Suddenly, his selfishness grew again. He wanted to make this misunderstanding last forever, and he didn't even want to explain what happened the night before.

Rong Yun thought hard for a while, and Qian Nuo also said that Shui Han had accepted Qian Nuo, but what did Qian Nuo mean when he said that he hoped you could understand?Let him leave the water cold?

"I don't care who is around Shuihan, I will never leave Shuihan." Rong Jun said with a cold expression, he borrowed Wushang's words, but it was a true reflection of his heart.

Qian Nuo frowned slightly, he knew it, but when he heard it with his own ears, he was still unhappy and jealous.


At dusk, when Qianxue came back from the Pale Shadow Studio, the three brothers and sisters of Rong Yun had already gone back to Nanlin Villa.

(End of this chapter)

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