Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 595: Birthday Feast 19

Chapter 595: Birthday Feast 19
Qian Nuo and Rong Jun reached an agreement, if Shui Han doesn't come back after two days, they will make no further plans.

Seeing that the Jinlan Garden was empty, Qianxue couldn't understand why it disappeared so quickly, and even Chengbi was also missing.

"Sister Shi, Shui Han went out at noon, she said she was going out for two days, did she tell you what she was going to do?"

"Oh, at noon, Shuihan came to Pale Shadow Studio for a while, and told me to go out for two days, but he didn't say anything, and then he went out."

Qian Nuo's brows frowned even deeper. Based on his understanding of Shuihan, it is usually dangerous to do anything.

Seeing his frowning expression, Qianxue couldn't help shaking her head and sighing, guessing that Qian Nuo had been seriously poisoned, and she probably couldn't be saved.

"Seventh brother, don't worry, Shuihan has always been very measured."

"I know, Tenth Sister, can you tell me what Shui Han's identity is?" Qian Nuo begged a bit, knowing nothing about Shui Han's identity, he was very uneasy, as if one day Shui Han would suddenly disappear.

"Don't say Seventh Brother, you don't know, I don't know, even Shui Han doesn't know." Qianxue spread her hands, for now, Shui Han's identity is still a mystery.

"How could this be?" Qian Nuo frowned again, it was impossible that he didn't even know who he was, what twists and turns were there?
"I don't know either. You can ask her when Shuihan comes back." Qianxue secretly wished Qiannuo good luck in her heart, and she didn't know if Shuihan would tell Qiannuo. If Shuihan told Qiannuo about the 21st century, then she Also be honest with Qian Nuo.

Thinking of this, Qian Xue felt a little flustered, what if Qian Nuo thought they were monsters?Also, she occupied the body of Qian Nuo's younger sister, how could she explain it?


Wanren Mountain, this mountain is full of rocks and ravines, the terrain is dangerous, old trees of strange shapes grow wildly, intertwined, gloomy and dark without end.

The night is as cool as water, the moon is dark and the wind is high. From time to time, there are strange crowing sounds of crows, and the rustling sound of the wind blowing by, making the old tree look extraordinarily ferocious, like a ghost with teeth and claws.

The scary thing about Wanren Mountain is not its terrain, but that there is a frightening sect here, the Gate of Hell.

Two black shadows passed quickly in the jungle, like leopards in the dark night, passing by the wind, agile and smooth.

With a swish, two black shadows jumped onto the tall old tree to observe the terrain of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

In the distance, there is a moat with iron chains on it, passing through the other side of the iron chains, there is a towering and strange black gate of hell. The flickering torches reflect the gate of hell very strangely, like a dark prison where countless demons are locked. .

"The cable bridge is the entrance, and shifts change every half an hour. After crossing the cable bridge, the guards are even stricter."

"If something happens later, meet up here, take a step back and see you at the Pale Shadow Pavilion."

"Yes, Pavilion Master."

Two black shadows jumped down from the tree again, approaching the cable bridge silently.

A heavy black iron was hung on the cable bridge, on which were engraved the three characters of "Hell Gate", and there were torches on both sides, and the flickering flames were jumping, weird and unpredictable.

There are about a dozen people patrolling the perimeter of the cable bridge, all wearing loose clothes with ghost patterns and ghost masks, no different from ghosts in hell.

The guards outside the gate of hell cannot cross the cable bridge, and can only tell the guards on the opposite side what happened by sending a message.

There were two muffled grunts, and the two patrolling guards had changed.

(End of this chapter)

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