Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 596: Birthday Feast 20

Chapter 596: Birthday Feast 20
A long cable bridge was erected on top of a bottomless ditch. The wind in the ditch whizzed by, and the iron chains made strange crashing sounds.

"What's the matter?" A burly man with a large scimitar on his shoulder said in a rough voice. He looked at the visitor through the eyeholes of the mask, and by the light of the fire, he could only see a pair of eyes under the mask. .

"The deputy sect master urgently called us back, this is the token, make way!" The person who came showed a square sign and said sharply.

The big man was stunned for two seconds, and then said: "It's my little eyesight, slow down, both of you."

The two stepped onto the cable bridge and glanced down. It was pitch black, and it was estimated that they would be crushed if they fell.

Huaying thought hard for a while but couldn't figure out what kind of token the pavilion master showed just now, it was just an ordinary wooden token picked up from the ground.

After crossing the cable bridge, Yi Shuihan used the same method to pass the second pass.

Huaying's eyeballs fell out of shock, could this ordinary wooden sign be a token?Impossible, he clearly watched the Pavilion Master pick it up on the road.

"Pavilion Master, is this really the token of the gate of hell?" Huaying asked in a low voice.

"Do you think it's possible?" She just hinted.

"Impossible." Huaying shook her head.

The halls next to each other inside the gate of hell are eerie and gloomy. Each hall is guarded, and there is a gloomy atmosphere everywhere. In addition, the gate of hell is built on Wanren Mountain, so the night is very cold and windy.

"In front should be the Palace of Hell, where Fu Hongchen lives and rests. Fu Hongchen is quiet and has a weird temper, so there are no people in the hall, but the guards outside the hall are several times that of other halls, so it is a bit difficult to get in."

"Don't go in, wait for me outside."

"What? Pavilion Master, do you want to go in alone?" Huaying said in surprise, it would be good to have someone to take care of her if she went in together, and if something happened, it would be too late for him to go in and rescue her.

"Well, just adapt to your own circumstances." After finishing speaking, Yi Shuihan's figure disappeared.

Huaying was so angry that she didn't need him for anything, so why did the Pavilion Master bring him here?Visit the gates of hell?


The night wind blows, the shadows of the trees whirling, the originally dark gate of hell is now a little brighter, and the eaves farther away can be seen.

Yi Shuihan stood on a tall tree, looked up at the night sky, the clouds and mist gradually parted, revealing the moon like a silver plate, tonight is August [-]th, the night of the full moon.

There were indeed many people guarding the periphery of Yan Dian, but there was no one inside, not even a light on. She only guessed that the Holy Cherry Fruit would be hidden in Fu Hongchen's place of work and rest.

Pulling out the golden fan in the boots, with a swish sound, the silk came out and entangled with the red pillar on the Yan Dian Tower.

With the silk thread in his hand, a black shadow quickly cut through the air, like a crow in the dark night, and fell soundlessly to the upper floor of the Temple of Hell.

Yi Shuihan leaned down and looked around for a while, but after waiting for a long while, there was no one, and he couldn't feel the popularity. Could it be that there is no one in Yan Dian?She even doubted whether Fu Hongchen was in this palace or not.

Why are so many people guarding here?Is this just a bureau, used to deceive people?After thinking about it for a while, she believed even more that what Huaying found was that Fu Hongchen often locked himself in this palace and could not come out.

After walking for a long time, there was still no one to be seen. Every room was dark with no light at all.

She randomly entered a room to have a look, and everything inside was clean and spotless, which proved that someone took care of it, and this hall was not vacant.

(End of this chapter)

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