Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 597 The Battle of Hell 01

Chapter 597 The Battle of Hell 01
But now it's too weird, as if everyone disappeared suddenly.

It is estimated that she will not be noticed by walking here swaggeringly.

The Hall of Hell was in the shape of a Chinese character, and after walking around, he came to the center of the Hall of Hell. It was a two-storey pavilion, which was blocked by tall buildings around it.

The pavilion is sandwiched in the center. The strangest thing is that there are no doors and windows on the first floor, and it is low, with poor lighting and no air circulation. go in.

Yi Shuihan looked at the night sky, and when the moon hid in the clouds, he jumped to the second floor of the pavilion with the help of silk silk.

The pillars of this pavilion are stronger than the others, and every room is locked, the doors are very strong, and most of the rooms have no windows.

She has been to many places like this before. The anti-theft functions are all kinds of strange and all kinds of traps. To her, it is a child's play, and she can easily go from the second floor to the first floor.

Since there are no doors and windows, the first floor is pitch-black. If her skills hadn't improved, she probably wouldn't have been able to see it.

Suddenly, Yi Shuihan felt the look of someone approaching, she immediately jumped onto the beam of the roof, using ninjutsu to hold her breath.

A figure dressed in the same clothes as her sneaked in, a ghost in black clothes and a mask, and his steps were very light, which showed that his martial arts were not weak.

Yi Shuihan is sure that this person is not Huaying, Huaying's figure is thin and not so tall.

The man searched around, as if looking for something.

Could it be that he came to steal the holy cherry fruit like her?Is that person from the gate of hell or an outsider like her?

Seeing that the man is familiar with driving, he seems to know something about this secret room. Could it be that he is guarding himself?
Suddenly, there was a slight clicking sound, and a square opening was opened in the wall, which was a hidden compartment.

Yi Shuihan squinted her eyes, because it was too dark, she couldn't see what was inside, if it was a holy cherry fruit, she would have a squirrel behind her.

The man carefully took out the contents of the hidden compartment, which was a small box.

Yi Shuihan deliberately checked the holy cherry fruit before. The holy cherry fruit is about the size of a baby's fist, so the size of this box is just right.

The man was studying how to open the box, but he didn't open it after a while.

Yi Shuihan is a little anxious, if you can't do it, let me try it, she has some research on these weird mechanisms.

The man gave up on opening the box and was turning away.

How could Yi Shuihan let that person leave easily, while the person passed by the roof beam, hooked his feet on the roof beam, suddenly bent down with his whole body, hung upside down under the roof beam, and stretched his hand towards the box in the man's hand like lightning .

In the blink of an eye, the box has changed hands.

The man was startled, obviously he didn't expect that there were people here, but he reacted very quickly, and immediately slapped the shadow.

Yi Shuihan exerted strength on his feet, avoided the man's palm, returned to the roof beam calmly, then quickly got off the roof beam, and headed for the exit.

The man's speed was also very fast, his figure had already blocked Yi Shuihan's front, and he was bound to retrieve the box.

A gust of palm wind swept across, and Yi Shuihan had no choice but to fight with that person. It seemed that both sides had a tacit understanding and tried to speak as softly as possible.

After a few moves, Yi Shuihan frowned, this man's martial arts are extremely high, she is not invincible, but it is very difficult to defeat him for a while, and he is afraid that he will alarm the people at the gate of hell, then neither of them will be able to escape.

The two people in the secret room were fighting hard, but there was no sound, only the faint sound of fists and feet colliding, and the rubbing sound of clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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