Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 599 The Battle of Hell 03

Chapter 599 The Battle of Hell 03
Then, the black veil fluttered slightly, a stream of air flowed out from behind the black veil, and the candlelight swayed gently.

Yi Shuihan's curiosity was playing tricks, what was Fu Hongchen doing inside?Practice?not like.

Since there was no light behind the black veil, there was candlelight in her place, so she couldn't see what was behind the black veil at all, but people behind the black veil could see her.

Yi Shuihan approached Heisha softly, intending to find out.

"Don't move, or I'll kill you." An extremely low voice, faintly mixed with bloodthirsty, seemed to be in some unbearable pain.

"If you wanted to kill me, you would have made a move a long time ago. You haven't made a move yet. One is that it is useful to keep me, and the other is that you are temporarily unable to kill me." Yi Shuihan continued to move forward without stopping.

"Don't come here! I will kill you!"

An ordinary person would have been terrified by the angry and bloodthirsty voice, but Yi Shuihan wanted to find out even more after listening to it.

The sound of the chain pulling became louder, as if someone was struggling, and there was a rapid panting sound, the black veil was fluttering, and a strange aura was spreading.

The black veil was slowly lifted, and the inside could be vaguely seen through the candlelight.

After seeing it, Yi Shuihan was stunned.

A huge stone bed was covered with soft blankets. The four corners of the stone bed were tied with iron chains. The iron chains were tied to the hands and feet of a man. The man was lying in pain, his black hair scattered messily on the white blanket. On the face, the skin color is abnormally white, like not seeing the sun all year round.

What was surprising was the man's eyes, his pupils were red, like flowing blood, and there was a red pattern on his neck, which could move and climb towards his face.

The man seemed to be in extreme pain, his beautiful face was somewhat distorted, evil and bewitching, at this moment his blood-colored eyes looked at Yi Shuihan coldly and angrily, with a cold light.

None of this shocked Yi Shuihan, but what shocked her was that the man... was naked.

That picture...is extremely fragrant.

Yi Shuihan's eyes scanned the man once, with a perfect figure, only one word can come to mind, SM
"I'm going to kill you!" The man was in great pain, and pulled the silk cloth on the bed to cover his body. The voice almost came out from between his teeth. He pulled the iron chain as soon as he moved, and the iron chain was tight on his hands and feet. Locked tightly, the movement is restrained by iron chains.

The man took a black silk silk and quickly attacked Yi Shuihan with a hint of murderous intent.

Yi Shuihan didn't care about admiring it anymore, his life was the most important thing, so he dodged, but he was still pulling the veil in his hand, with such a pull, with a swish sound, the huge veil was torn off in its entirety.

Immediately, the candlelight poured into the inside without hindrance, illuminating the inside clearly, and at the same time, the man's features became clearer.

The corner of Yi Shuihan's mouth twitched, she didn't mean it, sin, sin.

The man was so angry that his veins were exposed, the blue blood vessels were particularly obvious on his fair skin, the blood-colored pupils seemed to have blood flowing, the red pattern on his neck had extended to the side of the ears, and slowly extended to the corners of the eyes. Like a growing flower stalk, it is extremely evil.

The black long silk silk is even more fierce, and every move carries strong internal force and anger.

Yi Shuihan was secretly startled, the dagger in his hand did not dare to neglect at all, that man's internal strength was too strong, if he hadn't been restrained by iron chains, she would never be able to defeat him.

Swish, the silk was torn apart and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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