Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 600 The Battle of Hell 04

Chapter 600 The Battle of Hell 04
The man didn't have any silk in his hands, so he fell on the stone bed. He couldn't use his internal strength, and he curled up in pain, like a wolf struggling to die.

Yi Shuihan wanted to take the opportunity to kill that person now, but if he killed him, who would let her out?

Yi Shuihan moved closer to the stone bed to see the man clearly, who locked him up?Judging from his appearance, he seems to be suffering from great pain, poisonous hair?Not like it.

"Don't come here! Get out!" The man convulsed all over, glaring at Yi Shuihan with blood-colored monster eyes, and said coldly.

"Let me go, then let me out." Holding a dagger in his hand, Yi Shuihan approached the stone bed step by step.

"Get out!" The man tugged on the quilt tightly, the veins on the back of his hands were exposed, it was truly frightening.

Yi Shuihan didn't take it seriously, and searched around to see if there were any traps, all of them were smooth, probably the traps were placed on the stone bed.

"Let me out, or I'll kill you." Yi Shuihan had already come to the side of the stone bed, looking down at him, the dagger in his hand dangling in front of his eyes, and warned.

"Get out! Don't let me see you! Get out!" The man moved inside and said in extreme pain, with a hint of pleading in his tone.

Yi Shuihan looked at him carefully, it didn't look like he was poisoned or taking drugs, but he looked crazy, like a wild beast.

"Get out, get out, don't let me see you..." The man curled up in the quilt, trembling all over, the iron chain on his wrist was already worn to the point of blood, and it was extraordinarily bright on his fair skin.

"It's not that you don't want to see me, but you don't want me to see you like this, right?" Yi Shuihan smiled evilly, bent down, and looked into his eyes full of anger.

She felt like the hostess in SM, torturing a stunningly beautiful boy.

"Let me out if you are sensible, otherwise, I will keep watching you." Yi Shuihan said viciously, the dagger in his hand swung in front of the man, showing the attitude of a hostess.

"Don't even think about it! I'll kill you!" The man's purple lips trembled slightly, and the cold light reflected in his blood-colored pupils made people shudder.

"Heh, do you have this ability now? If you don't let me go, I'll kill you." Yi Shuihan glanced at him bewilderedly, and stretched out his hand to tear off the quilt, touching the quilt, then The sheets were actually cold.

Yi Shuihan was suspicious, what kind of strange disease is this?His whole body was cold and stiff, he didn't wear clothes to let out the cold air, and there were spreading patterns on his chest.

"Go away!" The anger in the man's eyes became even worse, the veins on his forehead were exposed, and the patterns were spreading at an accelerated rate.

"Let me out, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. I'd be happy to pick a beautiful man like you." Yi Shuihan smiled evilly, and touched his chest with his fingers. It was really cold, without any warmth .

The man's eyes were bloodthirsty, and he said coldly: "Take your hand away! I will kill you without a whole body!"

Yi Shuihan smiled nonchalantly, waving the dagger in front of his eyes with one hand, pinched his chin with the other, and said teasingly, "You look good, but your eyes are too cold, and your skin is too cold, so you don't feel like it."

A trace of doubt flashed in the man's eyes: "You, aren't you afraid of me?"

Yi Shuihan laughed twice: "Now you are fish and I am Daozu. It is you who should be afraid, so you let me go if you are sensible."

(End of this chapter)

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