Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 608 The Battle of Hell 12

Chapter 608 The Battle of Hell 12
Lan Xin was startled, and saw a glare of light hitting her eyebrows, and immediately raised her sword to block the light.

With a ding sound, the silver needle hit the sword, nailing it firmly.

Lan Xin looked at the silver needle that pierced the blade, and suddenly broke out in cold sweat, as if she had walked through the gate of hell. It was so dangerous, the silver needle could pierce a sword made of black iron, and the silver needle did not deform at all. , smooth as new.

Yi Shuihan spat out a mouthful of blood, the sky was going to kill her, if she missed one hit, she would have no chance.

Lan Xin hated Yi Shuihan even more, and looked at Yi Shuihan with hatred in her eyes, "Die!"

Yi Shuihan dodged and narrowly avoided Lan Xin's attack. Now she had only one breath left, and she would definitely die if she confronted Lan Xin head-on.

After more than a dozen moves, Yi Shuihan was defeated, and with a bang, the golden fan was knocked down by the sword and fell to the treetop in the distance.

Yi Shuihan fell to the ground, mouth full of blood, she laughed at herself, if Fu Hongchen saw her like this, he would wish to suck all her blood.

"Hehe, you lost all your weapons." Lan Xin looked down at Yi Shuihan condescendingly, with the attitude of a winner.

Yi Shuihan looked at the golden fan next to the tree head, and suddenly thought of Ling Yiran, fan, I hope you will return to your former owner one day, I can't save you.

"Do you know that you look so down and out now, like a dying person, you don't have the same glory as before." Lan Xin's eyes were full of complacency, and she commented sarcastically.

Yi Shuihan didn't even bother to look at Lan Xin, let alone speak. After more than five hours of life-and-death struggle and serious injuries, she didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Are you dumb? Talk!" Feeling that she was being ignored, Lan Xin felt a surge of anger in her heart, she immediately walked over and grabbed Yi Shuihan's collar, glaring at Yi Shuihan with jealousy.

Yi Shuihan laughed self-deprecatingly, Lan Xin did this to Fu Hongchen not long ago, and now it's her turn, as the saying goes, Feng Shui takes turns, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi.

"What are you laughing at?! What I hate the most is your face that is always invincible. It's really disgusting!" Lan Xin's eyes were full of viciousness, and she raised her hand and waved fiercely at Yi Shuihan's face.

"There is a price to be paid for slapping me." Yi Shuihan grabbed Lan Xin's wrist and said with a half-smile.

Lan Xin became even angrier, and she broke free from Yi Shuihan's hand in no time. She just hated Yi Shuihan's arrogance without anger, self-importance, condescension, and arrogance, making people want to trample on Yi Shuihan's pride ,destroy!
"I'm going to kill you!" Dazed by anger and jealousy, Lan Xin grabbed the sword on the ground and stabbed at Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan turned over, dodged the sword, grabbed a handful of loose soil and threw it at Lan Xin's face, all the drugs on her body were used up.

"Ah, puff..." Lan Xin screamed, her eyes and mouth were covered with mud, she immediately threw the sword and rubbed her eyes, spit a few mouthfuls of foam to clear the mud, she wanted to make Yi Shuihan feel ashamed Ash!
When Lan Xin opened her eyes, she saw that Yi Shuihan had already run away, she was startled, she raised her sword and chased after him, Yi Shuihan must die!

Yi Shuihan laughed at himself, she must be extremely embarrassed now, like a dying person struggling to die, death is fine, she just doesn't want to die in the hands of others.

It's God's will, she has only been reborn not long ago, and today she encounters an enemy again, maybe it's because of her unwillingness to be ordinary, she is doomed to die, and sooner or later she will die unexpectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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