Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 609 The Battle of Hell 13

Chapter 609 The Battle of Hell 13
"Haha, you can't escape, you have nowhere to escape!" Lan Xin had already caught up, and smiled sullenly, and looked behind Yi Shuihan, there was a cliff, and she didn't know how deep it was.

Yi Shuihan smiled coolly, looked at the cliff behind him, there was a turbulent river below, and there was another cliff. She had a grudge against Ya in her life, and probably this time she was really going to die. Suddenly, she thought of many people, Qianxue , the master of ceremonies, Rong Yun..., even Lin Daiyu, the man selling steamed buns, etc., all remembered one by one.

"Haha, God help me too, Yi Shuihan, do you see that even God thinks you deserve to die!" Lan Xin laughed wildly, all the hatred in her heart was vented, and she was extremely happy.

Yi Shuihan looked at the sky, she was just a plaything in the hands of God, despair and hope depended entirely on God's pleasure.

"Go to hell!" Lan Xin raised her sword and stabbed at Yi Shuihan with all her strength.

There is no way for Yi Shuihan to retreat, some people say that taking a step back will open up the sea and the sky, but there is a cliff behind her.

Blood gushed out from the throat again, a sword pierced from the abdomen to the back, and the bright red blood soaked the robe.

"Haha, haha, you're damned, you're damned, it's really satisfying to be able to kill you with my own hands..." Lan Xin was overjoyed, she was so dazzled by the victory that she almost couldn't dance.

The moment Lan Xin pulled out the sword, Yi Shuihan smiled charmingly, grabbed Lan Xin's shoulder with all his strength, and pushed Lan Xin off the cliff. Even if she died, she would not let the enemy succeed!
Ah, Lan Xin screamed in horror, her hands immediately grabbed the ground, and she was hanging on the cliff, she wanted to kill Yi Shuihan!Climbing the cliff with one hand, pulling Yi Shuihan's foot with the other and throwing Yi Shuihan off the cliff.

I don't know whether it's despair or unconsciousness, Yi Shuihan fell straight down the cliff without even screaming, she likes the extremely fast speed, like flying unrestrained.

She saw the blood sprinkling from her abdomen. She used to look at others, but now she looked at herself. She felt a little weird, smiled slightly, and closed her eyes. God, I can finally greet you in person.

Lan Xin watched Yi Shuihan's figure getting smaller and smaller, and finally fell into the rolling river. A few waves appeared and were immediately covered by the river water.

"Haha, Yi Shuihan is finally dead, hehe..." Lan Xin laughed wildly, but after a few laughs, she couldn't laugh anymore. She was still hanging on the cliff, and the rock she was clinging to was a little loose.

Lan Xin felt cold in her heart, if she killed Yi Shuihan and paid for her own life, the gain would not be worth the loss, since Yi Shuihan had just been dealt with, she must not die.

Lan Xin slowly used her strength to climb up, but when she moved a little, the stone loosened again, she was too frightened to move, but now that she was hanging like this, her physical strength would soon be exhausted, she didn't want to be with Yi Shuihan same fall.

"Help, help, is there anyone, help me..." Lan Xin yelled in panic, and glanced at the rushing river. Fear spread all over her body. She didn't want to die, she didn't want to die.

"Help, is there anyone? Help me..." Lan Xin was so panicked that there were tears in the corners of her eyes, her lips trembled, and even her voice trembled.

"It's Lan Zuo's voice." Several people from the Demon Palace heard the voice and quickly dragged Lan Xin up.

Lan Xin was still in shock, she fell to the ground as soon as she was rescued, her face was pale and there were tears on her face, she had never been so frightened before, just now she felt as if she was suffering from the torment of death.

(End of this chapter)

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